SupportNeeds Analysis for Participant
SupportNeeds Analysis for Participant
The patient diagnosed with chronic kidney disease evidently presentswith a need to have support in accepting the condition that he wasdiagnosed. It is essential to establish a formal framework throughwhich the patient can have it easy to accept the fact that he hasbeen diagnosed with the condition. It is critical that the patientaccesses support groups that would be instrumental in assisting thepatient to learn to deal with the revelations having the chronicdisease. The decision to have a mechanism that enables the patient toaccept the diagnosis emanates from the fact that the family membersthemselves have not been able to accept the situation. It isunfortunate that despite them being the ones expected to be at theleading front in helping the patient accept the diagnosis, they areshocked making the patient feel remorseful on why he did not takecaution early enough to prevent the progress of the condition. It isa reflection of a need to establish a framework that helps thepatient accept the situation that he is facing (Novak, Costantini,Schneider, & Beanlands, 2013).
The patient further needs assistance when it comes to the entireconcept of getting to cope with the current situation. The ability ofthe patient to efficiently manage the disease is dependent on howbest they can cope. Because of the same, it is essential that thepatient is enabled to access services that make it possible for himto deal with the condition. It is necessary that the patient isenabled to gain insights into how they can cope with the currentcondition they have (Poppe, Crombez, Hanoulle, Vogelaers, &Petrovic, 2013). Through the same, it would be possible for them toembrace the coping skills that would be essential in the entireprocess of disease management.
The patient needs access to an appropriate method of treatment. Theability to access the treatment for the kidney condition would makeit possible for the patient to feel relieve regarding pain andreduction of symptoms associated with the treatment. In such a case,it would be crucial to have access to qualified therapists who wouldbe helpful in the provision of therapy and guidance on how to managethe condition. The patient needs close treatment and monitoring tohelp in reducing the probability of progression of the disease andbringing it to levels that are manageable.
Finally, the participants need emotional support from all those whocan offer the same. Considering the nature of the disease, it isessential that they be enrolled in a program that seeks to equip themwith skills for dealing with the state. The patient is undergoing adistressful condition negating the need to offer emotional support toenable self-management (Gallant, 2003). Through the same, it would bepossible to reduce the detrimental effects associated with thedevelopment and progression of the kidney disease.
Implementation of Objectives of Healthy People 2020
The ability of to efficiently enhance the wellness of the patientdepends on how objectives of Healthy People 2020 are implemented. Healthy People 2020 aims at increasing the level of awareness ofpatients suffering from chronic kidney disease in understanding thatthey have an impaired renal function. (Tamura, Li, Chen, Cavanaugh,Whaley-Connell, McCullough, & Mehrotra, 2014) The goal of such amove is to see to it that interventions are introduced early enoughto help in dealing with the condition. In implementing the objective,the patient can be assisted to seek advanced care programs inestablished healthcare setups. Nephrologists present in suchfacilities would facilitate the understanding of the patient on thekidney condition through education. Through such an intervention, itwould be possible to help the patient understand how they can be incharge of their health without depending on others. Through theknowledge provided to the patient, he would be empowered onaddressing various components of the disease and learn to adaptbetter (Novak, Costantini, Schneider, & Beanlands, 2013). It isan opportunity for the patient to improve their wellness.
Healthy People aims at increasing the proportion of patients havingaccess to the evaluation of serum creatinine, microalbuminuria, andlipids. An assessment of such factors would be instrumental inimproving the wellness condition of the patient. However, inachieving such an objective, it would be necessary for the patient tohave access to a facility endowed with the ability to monitor suchfactors. The patient caregivers can take the initiative of makingarrangements for him to have periodic checkups on the identifiedfactors. The caregiver can coordinate with the family members of thepatient so that he goes for a medical checkup after a definedduration of time for assessment of levels of serum creatinine,microalbuminuria, and lipids. It enables the body to keep levels ofthe chemicals at acceptable limits through the available therapeuticinterventions. Further, the chances are that the wellness conditionof the patient would significantly be improved courtesy of theperiodic monitoring and evaluation.
Further, Healthy People 2020 emphasizes the need to reduce thedevelopment of high blood pressure among patients suffering fromchronic kidney disease. The development of high blood pressure forthe patient would result in adverse effects on their body (James etal., 2014). However, to help prevent the possibility of the patientreaching extreme levels of development of high blood pressure, itcould be mandatory to introduce measures for him that wouldfacilitate his wellness. The patient can be advised to avoidincidences that could result in high blood pressure. For example, itwould be mandatory to avoid distressful situations likely to causedepression and eventually cause high blood pressure. Further, itcould be mandatory to practice a healthy eating habit. Through theadoption of such techniques, it would be possible to help the patientincrease his wellness state reducing the development of severesymptoms and pain arising due to the presence of the disease.
Examples of Appropriate Interventions of Professional Caregiver
The nurse has the duty of ensuring that they guide the patient on howbest to cope with the chronic disease. For example, the nurse canoffer emotional support as a way of enabling the patient to view thedisease in a positive manner.
The professional caregiver can make it possible for the patient toaccess a support group that he can attend. The support group can bethat of people suffering from a similar condition. The application ofthe intervention would be significant in making it possible for thepatient to gain courage in coping with the situation.
Further, the caregiver would be instrumental in helping the patientaccessing current treatment regimens. It would be possible for thepatient to have continually medicines that have been determined towork the best courtesy of the knowledge and expertise of theprofessional caregivers.
Gallant, M. P. (2003). The influence of social support on chronicillness self-management: a review and directions for research. HealthEducation & Behavior, 30(2), 170-195.
James, P. A., Oparil, S., Carter, B. L., Cushman, W. C.,Dennison-Himmelfarb, C., Handler, J., … & Smith, S. C. (2014).2014 evidence-based guideline for the management of high bloodpressure in adults: report from the panel members appointed to theEighth Joint National Committee (JNC 8). Jama, 311(5),507-520
Novak, M., Costantini, L., Schneider, S., & Beanlands, H. (2013,March). Approaches to selfâmanagementin chronic illness. In Seminars in dialysis (Vol. 26, No. 2,pp. 188-194). Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Poppe, C., Crombez, G., Hanoulle, I., Vogelaers, D., & Petrovic,M. (2013). Improving quality of life in patients with chronic kidneydisease: influence of acceptance and personality. NephrologyDialysis Transplantation, 28(1), 116-121.
Tamura, M. K., Li, S., Chen, S. C., Cavanaugh, K. L., Whaley-Connell,A. T., McCullough, P. A., & Mehrotra, R. L. (2014). Educationalprograms improve the preparation for dialysis and survival ofpatients with chronic kidney disease. Kidney international,85(3), 686-692.