Today,it is evident from Nations and communities that there is a continuousdecline in religious practices. Different scholars and philosophershave continued to prove the core causes of this situation. Science,technology and modernization have been identified to be among themain reasons for this decline in America. Statistics of researchcarried out in America indicates that the whites have significantlydropped participation in religious practices as compared to theblacks.Surveyscarried out by Lifeway Christian show that, in America, over 72% ofthe Millennial tend to describe themselves spiritual and notreligious (Winograd,Morley, and Michael, "Millennial generation challenges religionin America.").Succeeding paragraphs below try to give a detailed explanation of thereason for this decline.
Religionand Technological advancement in America
Ina recent surveys conducted by University of Chicago in collaborationwith Scientist Allen Downey, indicates that Americans are continuingto lose affiliation with religion due to excessive use of internettechnology.2010 statistics indicate that, the percentage increase hasdoubled to 18%. The research included asking people questionsrelating to their religious preference, education levels, religionin which they were brought up, time that each spend online, amongothers. These factors are believed to correlate with internet’sability to enhance this drop. Downey carried out this research onalmost 9000 people. How has college education influenced asignificant reduction in religious practice? Statistically, thenumber of American’s receiving college level education hasincreased from 17.4% to 27.2%, this is from 1980s to 2000s. This hasa directly impacted on the drop of religious affiliated individualstoday, and this is where internet factor comes in. in 1980s, internetusers is estimated to be zero unlike in 2010, where the percentagepopulation was found to be 53%. This indicates that majority ofpeople spent more time online than in church activities.
Evolutionand religion in America
Faithand the church have continued to lose social utility in America. Thereason behind is scientific inventions and researches. America is oneof the leading nations in research and technology. Advancement inresearch and technology has contributed greatly to the decline ofreligion in the US. The ability to clone, biotechnologically modifyorganisms, as well as understanding the process of disease hascontributed greatly to the decline in religion in America. The riseof scientific understanding of human life has led to the decline ofpeople believing in a superior being and religion.
Religionand Wealth
Thetrends in religion in America in terms of cultural changes ischanging dynamically in America. In America it is noted thatindividualism a cultural system focusing less on social issues hasbeen on the rise, bringing more tolerance and equality, while at thesame time focusing less on social issues. Individualism tend todecrease religious involvement by the people (Miller 6564).
Religionand moral values
SociologistDavid Martin depicts that moral values objectivity correlatesstrongly with the belief in God. Continued degradation of religionbelief is evident through the American-None, who states that moralsnorms continue to change with times. However, they opposed imposingof value judgments on others (Winograd,Morley, and Michael, "Millennial generation challenges religionin America.").Engaging in abortion practices, where people tend to be killed is anindication of a continuous decline in religion. The Bible prohibitsthe killing of others. This immoral act has been promoted byscientific researches and technologies that have contributed todesigning, abortions tools, and drugs this justifies that scienceand modernity are contributing to the decline of religion to a greatextent.
Scienceand the Bible
Abible is a book that teaches us about the Word of God. The Bibleindicates that God exists. Through reading it, human beings can learnreligious practices hence promoting religion. However, scientistshave come to give different controversial messages about theexistence of God. Some of these scientists include Charles Darwin,Galileo Galilei among others. Different generations today, haveadopted their belief in the non-existence of God, hence avoidingengaging in any religious practices. Scientific researchers have goneto extend of developing other versions of the Bible which do notconform to the original ones. The implications of is that people endup reading wrong information, hence contributing to a decline inreligious believers. A Recent study called, the state of the Biblecarried out in the year 2012 indicates that majority of Americans arelosing interest in reading the Bible. People recognized to be closerto God have dropped by 9%. In 2011 they were at 64%, but in 2012, thepercentage dropped to 55%, this is a one-year statistics, meaning,the trend could continue to a great extent in the coming years("America`s Foolish Romance With God.”).
ModernCivil rights
Inmodern societies, different laws and practices have been stipulatedto govern individual`s religious practices. Freedom of worship is thecollective right of different Nations. Here, an individual has achoice on which religion to participate in, the time and whether toattend them or not, this has considerably continued to underminereligion as a few people tend to take the initiative to engage in.
Inconclusion, peoples` beliefs may differ worldwide however, theirpractices should not undermine their faith to an extent that theyavoid believing in the existence of God. Scientific practices andtechnological advancements should not change people minds aboutreligious beliefs and practices too.
"America`sFoolish Romance With God." WilsonQuarterly21.1 (1997): 127. MasterFILEPremier.Web. 27 May 2016.
Miller,Timothy. "New Religious Movements: New Religious Movements inthe United States." Encyclopediaof Religion.Ed. Lindsay Jones. 2nd ed. Vol. 10. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA,2005. 6556-6566. GaleVirtual Reference Library.Web. 28 May 2016.
Winograd,Morley, and Michael D. Hais. "Millennial generation challengesreligion in America." ChristianScience Monitor26 Sept. 2011. GlobalIssues In Context.Web. 28 May 2016.