Writing and reading go hand in hand. This essay is a summary of thebook "From inquiry to academic writing 3rd edition by StuartGreene and April Lidinsky chapters two to eleven.
Reading and writing are two activities that go hand in hand for areader. Reading has two main parts: Reading as a writer and readingas an act of composing. Reading as an act of composing is reading forunderstanding rather than memorizing. On the other side reading as awriter involves analyzing the texts in means of persuasion.
Writing involves writing a rhetorical analysis which entailsidentifying the writer`s main ideas. The author uses an example on"The flight from the conversation". The ends by main pointsof how to write oneself into an academic conversation.
I liked the piece by Provenzo. His ideas on writing are easilynoticeable, where he criticizes Hirsch and the same time giving himcredit where necessary
Upon reading an essay, one needs to identify claims which are justpoints that need to be supported with an argument. This enables areader to understand the main point. The author explains on how toidentify the main claims of an essay by using “Hidden Lessons”topic by Myra Sadker. There are types of claims the reader needs toidentify: Claims of value, fact, and policy. After identifying theclaims, there comes analyzing the argument which is giving evidenceof each claim.
I mostly liked Primack’s piece of writing in this chapter. Hisclaims are well backed up with reasons. For example, he mentions thatGrade inflation is the great problem and he supports this by sayingthat is because professors fear tough grading will affect careertracks of current students.
Asone continues to read and write, they ask themselves questions likewhat motivated the author to write if you are reading or what theywrote or that evidence will persuade your writers if you are writing.For one to ask themselves these questions, they must identify anissue and understand the situation. The steps to identifying issueswhich involve personal experience, identifying what is open todispute, binary thinking, other`s ideas, writer`s frame andconstraints of the situation.
I liked Anna’s piece because as a reader, I could see whatmotivated her to write is that she noticed most children do not gettheir own time to exploit their own potential. I could also identifyher nature in persuading her readers that actually staying at homeand doing nothing could be enriching!
As readers read a writer’s work, they expect them to have aparticular stand on the topic they are writing about. This is thethesis. The writer suggests four models that could help a writer todevelop their working thesis: The correcting misinterpretation model,filling the Gap model, Hypothesis testing model, modify what othershave said, model. To establish the context for the thesis, one shouldestablish a topic of conversation, shortly summaries other’sopinions, explain what you think is a problem, then finally stateyour thesis.
For the step of stating the thesis, the writer uses a student,Veronica’s essay to explain this. Veronica uses the correction ofmisinterpretation strategy to state her thesis. She makes an argumentfor changing her peer`s texting habits and misconceptions.
Finding good sources for reference could be challenging. One mustidentify a good source for reference. Once one has identified thesource, they need to find the information they need. One may chooseto rely on the internet or to use the library’s site to find a menuof their choices.
On the internet, the steps to find sources are: Perform a keywordsearch, try browsing and finally perform a newspaper title search. Ifyou choose the library sources, the steps are: Reading theintroductory part, examining the index, checking the bibliographyreferences and skimming for argument. For the internet, one should becareful about the information they use by evaluating the internetsources. One should thereafter write a bibliography which is a sourceof the books used.
After identifying sand finding the sources to use, one needs to usethese sources to build one’s own argument. This can be done bysummarizing the other author’s ideas, paraphrasing them or quotingthem. A summary involves quoting the main ideas and the source. Awriter needs to avoid plagiarism upon using another author’s ideasby citing the book one used. Synthesis is a discussion on theconnection between arguments of two or more authors.
Comparing Thompson and Keller sample writings, Thompson states howthe use of blogs have helped students in writing and Keller on theother side supports the findings that Thompsons discusses byproviding evidence. They agree that electronic media has providedprogress in writing. This synthesis helps us to spur our thinking andalso make our own conclusions.
A writer`s understanding of their audience is a very important partof writing. There are three ways of identifying one`s readers, whichcomes from centering on ethos, pathos, and logos. The strategies toevoke ethos involves: establishing good judgment, conveyingknowledgeability of the subject, and understanding the complexity ofthe issue. Pathos appeals from emotion and feeling.
To appeal pathos, show that you acknowledge your reader’s valueand feelings.one should use examples that evoke emotion to the readerand also consider your tone. Logos appeal to convincing evidence andreason. To appeal logos, state the premises of the argument you aremaking, use sufficient evidence to convince the reader and show thatthe conclusion that follows from the premises.
When drafting an essay, one has to put in mind well buildinstructions that help build up arguments and finally conclusions.There are five major strategies of drafting introductions begin withthe broad situation and narrow focus on your conclusions. One shouldbegin with a narrative that will capture the reader`s attention thenproceed with a concept that the reader considers as true thenidentifying what the reader knows and don`t know. This will keep thereader in to know more.
The writer also explains the use of topic sentences to develop strongparagraphs. Unity of these sentences can be achieved using transitionwords and repetition. In the conclusion, pull out the main ideas fromthe essay and what the reader should learn.
After a paper has been written, there follows some editing that ismade. This involves correcting some mistakes here and there andreplacing one word with another. Revising is different from revisingwhich involves making changes to the paper to give it a newreflection. Steps to peer editing involve distributing a draft copyto each member of the group, then a cover letter. The writer readsthe draft aloud as the members follow. Comments from the members helpthe writer to identify areas that need correction.
There are three types of drafts an early, a late draft and thefinal draft early draft is to make the group focus on thesis andaudience. A late draft means you want the group to focus on your mainconcerns. The final drafts involve correcting errors in style andgrammar.
To advance an argument, one needs to do original research. Itincreases one`s own research results. When making a research, oneneeds to write an idea sheet. This shows why you are interested in aparticular topic. One also needs to review previous relevantresearchers and see how other researchers were carried out. Thisgives a rough idea of what to do.
Research through interview helps answer research questions and alsomotivates gathering concrete information. An interview should be wellplanned for and prepared using a script. The script contains thequestions for the interview. One should identify the audience fromwhich he or she will carry out the interview. Another way of researchis using the focus groups that give original source of evidence.
Writing involves procedures that should be followed to make asuccessful essay. We also see that we not only to read for memorizingbut reading for understanding and giving one’s own views on thewriter’s ideas.
Work Cited
Greene Stuart, and Lidinsky April. From inquiry to academicwriting Boston: Bedford, 2008. Print.