The Gulf War essay

TheGulf War

Gulfwar was between Iraqi against the allied forces of nations led by theUnited States, that were called upon by Kuwait. It was after economicdifferences between Iraq and Kuwait that the war broke (Smith et al145). It majorly involved aerial as well as ground combat forsuccess. The discussion about the Gulf War will explore the eventsleading to the war and the strategies by President George Bush as hesought victory.

Theevents leading to the war started during the Iran-Iraq war of the1980`s. During this war, Kuwait befriended Iraq and supported them inthat war against Iran. It is during that time that Kuwait owed Iraq$14 billion debt borrowed to finance a war (Lowry 14). Iraq opted toincrease the cost of oil so as to acquire enough money to pay itsdebts. On the other hand, Kuwait increased oil production that led tolow prices of exportation and importation. As a result, Iraqpresident, Saddam Hussein, accused Kuwait and Saud Arabia ofconspiring to pander Western oil buyers through keeping oil priceslow (Finlan 89). Kuwait had also taken advent age of war to drillinto Iraq`s oil. Therefore, Hussein accused Kuwait of drilling intotheir crude oil that was on their common border, Rumaylah (Finlan89). That would call for Kuwait dropping debt charges as well asbecoming the 19th province of Iraq.

Duringthe accusation speech, Iraq`s troop started annexing Kuwait and sinceit was a weak nation, King Fahd of Saud Arabia together with Kuwait`sexiled government decided to seek help from the United Nations andthe United States. It was after Hussein dropped peace negotiationsinitiated by Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak. The coalition aimedat protecting Saudi Arabia and Kuwait against Iraq`s annexation thatmost nations considered an act of aggression. As a result, the UnitedStates air force and other troops sent by NATO declared OperationDesert Shield (Lowry 14).

Thecoalition ordered the Iraqi troops to withdraw from Kuwait by 15thJanuary in 1991 and failure to heed to that they would employ allmeans to force the troops out. Hussein declared Jihad, Muslim HolyWar so as to find favor with Muslim Nations (Finlan 89). On crossingthe deadline, United States air force led by George H.W. Bush decidedto hit Iraq`s air defenses that compromised Iraq`s communicationnetworks, oil refineries as well as their weapon plants. It wascalled Operation Desert Storm that involved military technology withthe use of smart bombs. As Iraq concentrated on air combat, groundcombat was slowly taking shape a strategy that would see thecoalition succeeds.

Theground combat was also called Operation Desert Sabre. It involvedground troops encircling Iraq and freeing Kuwait while US forcesattacked Iraq`s armored reserves through the rear. At this time,Iraq`s defense was almost collapsing and Bush declared Ceasefire thatled to victory and ended the Gulf War (Smith et al 145). That warcost a lot of lives of Iraq`s troop while the coalition troops lostfewer lives. Peace terms included Iraq recognizing Kuwait sovereigntyas well as getting rid of its weapons of massive destruction. Later,Bush and United Nations air force patrolled along Kuwait`s borders toprevent attacks from Iraq. US insistence on the removal of Husseinfrom power in 2002 led to another Gulf war (Lowry 17).

Inconclusion, economic differences between Kuwait and Iraq made Husseindeclare the annexation of the rival nation making it their 19thprovince. The Kuwait government asked the US and the UN to help themin war and the coalition made aerial and ground combat that led tovictory. Eventually, Hussein signed a peace treaty recognizingKuwait`s Sovereignty and got rid of their weapons of massdestruction.


Smith,Steve, Amelia Hadfield and Timothy Dunne. ForeignPolicy: Theories Actors Cases.Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. Print. 145

Finlan,Alastair. TheGulf War of 1991.New York: Rosen Pub., 2009. Print.

Lowry,Richard.&nbspTheGulf War Chronicles.Indiana: Universe,2003, Print