Inspiring Students and Staff to Reach Their Potential essay

InspiringStudents and Staff to Reach Their Potential


InspiringStudents and Staff to Reach Their Potential

Workingin a team of workers can be one of the motivating aspects towards therealization of one’s goals. However, keeping people such asemployees or students motivated in a learning environment is anessential, yet demanding initiative towards the realization of theirpersonal and institutional goals. Taking the role of a leader in aschool, there are different approaches that I can deploy to inspireboth the staff and the students to realize their full potential. In alearning setting i.e. a school, both the staff and students comprisesof the two major and important groups (Talmage et al, 2015). Thispaper discusses different approaches that I can deploy to inspire mystudents and the staff towards the realization of their fullpotential.

Onebasic approach that I would use is to encourage both parties. Many atimes is when students and employees look upon their leaders forapproval and positive strengthening, and would be more eager to learnthat their work is recognized by their superiors. This makes themfeel as part of the institution, and in turn encouraging them todevelop plans for achieving their goals. This can be done through theestablishment of open communication, free thinking to make them feelimportant. More so, I would be enthusiastic, and always praisestudents/staff often, as well as recognizing their different abilityand achievements. Not only would this make both parties feelimportant, it would also inspire or motivate them to realize theirfull potential (Talmage et al, 2015).

Inaddition to encouraging the students and the staff at large, I wouldalso establish a working environment that ensures both party areinvolved in school running. One way to get staff and learnersresponsibly is through getting them involved in school matters suchas decision-making and assigning them duties and roles. This not onlywould it help each party define their objectives clearly, it wouldhelp in creating a threat-free school environment (Curtis &ampO`Connell, 2011). Development of an engaging environment such asone-to-one tuition, as well as the establishment of the working groupand catch-up programs, it ensures every child I gave the best towardsrealizing his/her potential hence inspiring them to their fullpotential (Petty, 2014). Finally, through the provision of requiredtools/resources, it would go miles in ensuring every group (staff andstudents) are glued to the development of their ability, and in turnrealizing their potential.

Thirdly,I would focus on individual needs fulfillment. This is due to thefact, as a teacher, care and support in the learning process directlyimpacts the learners’ ability to learn and remain motivated towardstheir goals and objectives. To the staff is also motivates them tokeep the focus on their job demands and development as an effectiveteacher. This, in turn, promotes the realization of every person’spotential (Petty, 2014). On the other, to the learners realization oftheir potential is dependent on their successful transition from onelevel to another. This in turns means I would facilitate a smoothtransition from one level to another, which would keep them motivatedto theory objective. Other approaches that can help students andteacher achieve their potential include using positive competition,giving valid examples and experiences, defining and establishingevery person’s objective and work towards them (Curtis &ampO`Connell, 2011). Furthermore, giving every person opportunities forsuccess, tracking their day to day progress towards their goals,giving feedback and chances for improvement, and most importantlysetting high but attainable goals for both the students and learnerskeeps them focused towards their daily and life goals.

Inconclusion, motivating both learners and the staff to their fullpotential remains a challenging task. However, simple undertakingscan be effective in motivating both parties towards their best ofability. Such can include making the school environment accommodatingof their demands, availability of resources, keeping personal touch,giving everyone`s sense of control as well as offering incentives,and drawing connections between their work/class works connects toreal life. Keeping both parties motivated takes varying approaches,however, it keeps them focused towards their objectives and goals,and in turn making them realize their full potential.


Curtis,E., &amp O`Connell, R. (2011). Essential leadership skills formotivating and developing staff.&nbspNursingManagement – UK,&nbsp18(5),32-35.

Petty,T. (2014). Motivating First-Generation Students to Academic Successand College Completion.&nbspCollegeStudent Journal,&nbsp48(2),257-264.

Talmage,C. A., Lacher, R. G., Pstross, M., Knopf, R. C., &amp Burkhart, K.A. (2015). Captivating Lifelong Learners in the Third Age: LessonsLearned From a University- Based Institute.&nbspAdultEducation Quarterly,&nbsp65(3),232-249.