ModernSociety and the Quest for Human Happiness
The society is defined by an increase in number of individuals whodesire to be happy. People have undertaken steps that they believewould make them happy only to end up feeling miserable aboutthemselves. A similar situation is presented in the passage where therich, perceived to have all they desire are seen not to be happy.Contrary to the same, poor people with little or no material wealthare instead happier and seem contented with the kind of life thatthey are leading. The author gives an example of the developed anddeveloping countries. Developed countries constitute a greaterpercentage of individuals who are rich, unlike the developingcountries where a higher proportion are poor. Surprisingly, the poorpeople are seen to be happier with their lives despite not having thematerial possessions many desire to have so that they be happy.
A fundamental aspect presented in the essay regards the noble meaningof happiness. The author illustrates that happiness does not arisefrom the material possessions people wish to have. Sentimentspresented by the author reflect that the first step toward happinessis being contented with what one has. The rich may not be happy sincetheir lives are characterized by the constant need to acquire morewealth than they already have. They are under constant pressure tosatisfy their wants instead of appreciating the much that theyalready have.
An important idea in the passage regards the appreciation of what onehas. The society must learn to appreciate the little or much thatthey have to save themselves the distress in looking for morematerial possessions. Evidently, wealth does not guarantee onehappiness but instead is a source of depression because of the urgeto maintain the status. An example from the text regards thedeveloped nations that are perceived to be wealthy, but thepopulation is unhappy in equal measures.