Literature Review Search Critique Overview essay


LiteratureReview Search Critique


Thisstudy will critically analyse various issues that affect teenagersand older youths, as well as the risks posed on them. As per the laidout instructions that Psycinfo articles should be used, the analysiswill highlight three different articles that are published in theninth volume, first issue of the journal for youth development.

Effectsof technological advancement

Overtime, new innovations have continued to be made and as such, thetechnological advancement has been steadily rising. Youths areconsidered to be amongst the heaviest users of technology, and it isindeed seen to be an integral part of the lives of most of theyouths. As previous statistics have shown, the new innovations intechnology have gone beyond the knowledge base of most of the parentsand also the educators. This way, the people who should beresponsible for offering guidance and direction to the teenagers andyouths are left behind the technology and as such, it becomes quitedifficult for them to offer any assistance.

Again,the technology is available to the youths at any time as a result ofthe advent of the portable technology devices such as smart phones. The knowledge base difference has seen the inadequacy ofunderstanding of the age-related trends and which if not taken careof may affect the future of the young adults. The content accessedmay be harmful if direction is not given and again, the muchdependence on video games affects the social character and behaviourof the youths. When it is taken as the primary source of play, thesocial behaviour may be adversely affected while the constant use ofdevices may pose certain safety risks(Barneto, 2014).

Implicationsof Social Networking

Thesocial media era has taken the world by storm. Youths form themajority of the subscribers to social media, and as statistics put itout, it has become the favourite of most youths, with most of themspending considerable time on it on daily basis. Despite the enormousadvantages, it has had its own share of cons and risks posed to theyouths, and especially the teenagers.

Socialmedia creates imaginary audience amongst the youths, which forms abasis for the ego amongst them. The imaginary audience normallypushes the youths to think about themselves while at the same timethink about how others think about them. Whenever the perception isthat of attention being directed to them, they get heightened ego.Again, there is the issue of imaginary audience, and who areperceived to be closely watching and judging through the socialmedia.

Theabove aspects are not always positive and the ruining of the egothrough unachieved expectations may at times be demoralizing and putsthe psychological being of the youths into a big risk. Further, thebehaviour may change to the worse through the social media.Behavioural rehearsal makes the youths compare themselves withothers, think on how to change and finally engage in the behaviournoted in the social media. This has been a major reason for moralerosion(Cingel, Wartella, &amp Krcmar, 2014).


Inrecent years, there has been a major decline in the number oftraditional and physical bullying against youths. However, with theadvancement in technology, cyber bullying has become so live. It hasconsequently led to quite a number of suicide cases amongst youths.The crime involves intentional hurtful actions and may at times berepeated over time. However, unlike the traditional bullying, onlinebullying does not necessarily have to be repeated for it to bepersistent. For instance, an embarrassing photo may be posted onlyonce but spread to many people. The bullying makes the victims proneto depression, use of drugs and social anxiety(Davis, Reich, &amp James, 2014).


Thethree articles pose an important insight on various risks posed tothe youths, and more particularly through technology. Thestipulations of the articles are in line with past literature andstatistics and therefore on point.


Barneto,S. (2014). Windows Of Opportunity: Family Systems Theory AndDevelopental Considerations For Supporting Youths, Parents AndClinicians In The Digital Age. JournalOf Youth Development, 9(1),15-28.

Cingel,D. P., Wartella, E., &amp Krcmar, M. (2014). The Role Of AdolescentDevelopment In Social Networking Sites Use: Theory And Evidence.JournalOf Youth Development, 9(1),29-40.

Davis,K., Reich, J., &amp James, C. (2014). The Changing Landscape Of PeerAggression: A Literature Review On Cyberbullying And Interventions.JournalOf Youth Development, 9(1),129-142.