Women officers end up separated by the old solidarity in theworking bracket they do not receive as many complaints from citizensas compared to their male counterparts. Additionally, figures showthat the number of women among the sworn officers remains at 13 to 14percent. Walker adds that the minority groups such as the AfricanAmerican face the stereotype of using excessive force in enacting thelaw (2012). Another group of the Latino Officers feels the rest ofthe department discriminates them in hiring and promotions. The gayand lesbian officers continually face the challenge of traditionalstereotype macho officer. Also, the cohort tends to receive aperformance rating that clusters around a single numerical value(Walker, 2012).
Thereasons as to why they face such challenges are the lack of anexplicit representation for their working rights in the places ofwork. Additionally, the group including the women police, the gay andlesbian officers experiences their problems due to openmarginalization and social exclusion. The society and the workstationdo not perceive the cohort as to having the right to fulfill thesocial responsibility of looking after the lives of the citizens. Thehostility from the public, the expresses stereotypes, and the hardprocess to fit in the police system describe stances that themarginalized group has to live past the expectations of the averagepolice to serve without any form of challenge. The gay and lesbianpolice have to go an extra mile to prove that their preferredlifestyle does not affect their daily work. The challenges persist,as the society does not accept such norms of gayish and lesbianismlifestyle to serve and protect the community.
Walker,S., & Katz, C. M. (2012). Policein America.McGraw-Hill.