Analysisof President Obama’s Acceptance Speech
Analysisof President Obama’s Acceptance Speech
PresidentObama’s message of the acceptance speech delivered on 4thNovember, 2008 was a powerful speech to the audience. The main thingsthat make it powerful is the high level of emotional engagement and aclose reference to the values that are held dear by the Americans forcenturies. One of the main values cited by the president is selfreliance. He introduces this value in his speech by citing thefounders of the country who envisioned a united country that isindependent. The president therefore combines the value of unity, byexplaining that the republicans are Americans, who share the samevalues as the rest of Americans. The president observes the value ofhandwork and inspires Americans to embrace a long journey of buildinga great country. Through this inspiration, the president consistentlygives hope to Americans on the vision that they can achieve the dreamthat benefits many. This makes the speech powerful and touching toall Americans, and the rest of the world.
Thespeech is made more powerful by the careful organization of themessage that starts with a solution to a hopeful America. The speechillustrates why the moment in time of the speech is historic, andgoes on to present his victory as a hope for the country. At the sametime, President Obama shows his polite nature by taking back thevictory to the people, and not him. In a humbly communicated speech,he explains that the people decided, and so the victory belongs tothem. This is a major strategy that the president employs in invokingthe emotions of patriotism and evidence of change at hand. The samestrategy is used by the president to illustrate the achievement thatpeople can make by making their own choices.