Aphysical therapist is needed a lot by clients, patients andphysicians for the supervision of a wide range of disorders. Clientsand patients trail physical therapy service so as to get help fromthe highly individualized practical method that describes care fromthe physical therapist. Physical therapists investigate patients andcreate a strategy of care that enhances movement, a reduction ofpain, prevents any form of disability and also restores function asbefore. (Radomski& Latham, 2008)The physical therapist cannot work alone and have to involve otherparties in their works. The therapists have to work alongside thepatient, also other health care providers as well as the family ofthe patient. The therapists ensure they work with all the parties soas to ensure that all the goals set for the care are met, and all theoutcomes of the patient are ideal.
Functionaltraining and therapeutic exercise are the keystones of the physicaltherapist treatment. (Campbellet al, 2006)Reliant on the specific needs of a client or a patient, the physicaltherapist controls a joint to execute various types of physicalmovements at the very end of a patient’s series of motion. Thetherapist can also massage a muscle to encourage proper function andmovement. Physical therapists may also employ other procedures suchas ultrasound, hot packs, electrotherapy and ice among a range ofother treatments. Physical therapists are also vital in ensuring thatthere is no loss of mobility. They ensure that movement is not lostby creating wellness and fitness focused plans for more active andhealthier lifestyles.
Astandard day for a physical therapist comprises carrying out all hisor her responsibilities effectively depending on where they aresituated. (Radomski& Latham, 2008)This study will examine the day of a therapist working in a sub-acuterehabilitation. The sub-acute patients have an assortment of ailmentsthat require rehabilitation. Some of the ailments in the sub-acutesection include stroke, neurological conditions, for example, theParkinson`s disease, orthopedic conditions like knee and hipplacements, multiple traumas and amputations, spinal cord and braininjury.
Forthe physical therapist, his or her responsibilities includediagnosis, examination and the final implementation of a strategy ofcare. (Tecklin,2008)Examination of a patient in physical therapy comprises of testing thestrength, muscle functioning, range of motion, coordination andbalance, joint flexibility, respiration, motor function, posture,activities of daily living and the quality of life. Physicaltherapists also are required to determine the overall ability of thepatient to be able to be reintegrated back into the society orworkforce after recovering from the injury or illness.
Oncethe full examination has been carried out, and the full diagnosis isknown, the physical therapist is supposed to build then a strategy ofcare comprising of both short term and long term goals. (Campbellet al, 2006)Also, it is important for the physical therapist to bring in variousinterventions that may include, traction, exercise, manual therapy ormobilization therapy, motor learning and vestibular training. Most ofthe times the interventions include the use of various adaptive andassistive devices like wheelchairs, crutches, prosthetics andorthotics. A vital constituent of physical therapist-patientadministration comprises teaching the client or patient suitablemethods to perform various tasks or move and be careful enough toprevent additional injury to encourage wellness and health.
Aphysical therapist requires multiple partnerships so as to be able toprovide adequate services. The physical therapist should associatethe higher level of recuperation services with the facilitiesrecognized for their medical care and skilled nursing. The varioussub-acute sites provide different strategies in their work. Thereshould be a comprehensive care team that comprises the client,nurses, therapists, case manager, the client`s family and physicianswho work together to improve the functional goals set.
Thephysical therapist also places about four hours or more on a dailybasis and on top of that provide a 24-hour nursing observation.Relying on the situation in place, care is steered by a physician, ageriatric physiatrist or specialist, and an expert in rehabilitationand physical medicine. The physical specialist should strive to setup meetings with the patient, the patient`s family and also theentire care team. The meetings are meant to be able to deliberate onthe patient’s current situation and the overall progress he ismaking. The physical therapist must also try as hard as possible toeducate not only the patient but also the family so as to be wellprepared for the leaving of the sub-acute setting.
Thereis quite a high demand in the workplaces for physical therapists. Itis expected that the employment of physical therapists will continuegrowing in the near future. The need for their employment willsurpass the average of all other occupations. (Tecklin,2008)However, the need for physical therapists will vary depending on ageographical region also on the area of practice. Nonetheless, theneed for physical therapists will continue to remain high in theconceivable future worldwide. The demand is because as the globalpopulation ages, the need for the services of physical therapistsgrows too.
Campbell,S., Palisano, R., & Vander Linden, D. (2006). Physicaltherapy for children.St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders.
Radomski,M. & Latham, C. (2008). Occupationaltherapy for physical dysfunction.Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Tecklin,J. (2008). Pediatricphysical therapy.Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.