The concept of organizational change remains to be an integral aspectof any given organization. The manner in which change is introducedinto the organization dictates how easy it is adopted. Individualscan embrace the change upon determination of the positive influencethat emanates. Cultural change in the organization is of criticalsignificance owing to the ability to reform practices within the firm(Petrou, Demerouti, & Schaufeli, 2016). However, employees maynot adopt changes if they are not presented in a professional way.The motivation for the employees is an essential component regardingembracing change (Yousef, 2016). Further, through training on how toadopt the change, it is possible for the rest of the members of theorganization to have a positive attitude toward the change.
The ability of an individual to admit the mistakes they havepreviously committed is crucial toward their development. Learningfrom the mistake they have committed and reforming from the same isessential for personal growth (Breines, & Chen, 2012).
Knowledge management is a critical component in the organization forthe value that arises. There is the aspect of competitive advantageconferred to the organization by increasing the level of expertise tothe employees.
Cohesion among employees is essential regarding the promotion of goodrelations. It can foster good understanding for the benefit of boththe employees and the organization (Wang, Fang, Qureshi, &Janssen, 2015). Further, there is the opportunity for others to learnas knowledge is shared with ease.
Transformational leadership is crucial for the employees achieve.Managers have the ability to create a good rapport with the employeesencouraging them to meet the goals that they have set within the firm(García-Morales, Jiménez-Barrionuevo, & Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez,2012). It is essential for fostering creativity and innovation.
Transactional leadership is the other factor that can be employed toachieve goals within the organization. There is focus on the rewardsfor employees so that they are encouraged to perform best at dutiesassigned to them.
Autocratic leadership is the other form determined to facilitateachievement of organizational goals. It could be perceived to be ahindrance to staff morale but is essential in creating cohesion amongthe employees (Tyssen, Wald, & Spieth, 2013).
Breines, J. G., & Chen, S. (2012). Self-compassion increasesself-improvement motivation. Personality and Social PsychologyBulletin, 38(9), 1133-1143.
García-Morales, V. J., Jiménez-Barrionuevo, M. M., &Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, L. (2012). Transformational leadershipinfluence on organizational performance through organizationallearning and innovation. Journal of Business Research, 65(7),1040-1050.
Petrou, P., Demerouti, E., & Schaufeli, W. B. (2016). Craftingthe change: The role of employee job crafting behaviors forsuccessful organizational change. Journal of Occupational HealthPsychology.
Tyssen, A. K., Wald, A., & Spieth, P. (2013). Leadership intemporary organizations: a review of leadership theories and aresearch agenda. Project Management Journal, 44(6),52-67.
Yousef, D. A. (2016). Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction andAttitudes toward Organizational Change: A Study in the LocalGovernment. International Journal of Public Administration,1-12.
Wang, X. H. F., Fang, Y., Qureshi, I., & Janssen, O. (2015).Understanding employee innovative behavior: Integrating the socialnetwork and leader–member exchange perspectives. Journal ofOrganizational Behavior, 36(3), 403-420.