Please discuss why your academic performance has not beensatisfactory in the past
Language barrier was a big deterrent to academic success in the lasttwo semesters. I remember the many times that I had to use internetsources to translate my assignment into Chinese before I couldunderstand it fully. I know it is a basic requirement to beproficient in English before pursuing university education in theUSA, but the level of English used in my Engineering classes provedtoo technical for my understanding.
Personal problems also contributed to the poor performance. I lent myfriend $13,000, which he refused to pay back. The issue has beeneating me up ever since. I could not sleep peacefully or study well.I know the problem is personal and not academic- related, but I feelthat it is important to mention it because it affected me a lot.
Finally, my ignorance of the duties of an academic advisor made mepick too many courses. I regret the decision to this day.
Please propose action plan/strategies to address your pastacademic performance
I have decided to take English lessons for the advanced learner. Thelanguage barrier in my engineering classes made me realize howinsufficient my mastery of English was.
I have resolved to study harder and stop making excuses for myself. Ihave read testimonies of Chinese students who performed well despitethe issue of language. I have decided to follow their footsteps. Ihave also decided to make good use of the academic advisor in thenext semester to ensure that I do not choose more courses than I canhandle. I also plan to stop lending people money and talk to myadvisor when I have emotional issues.
If your request for reinstatement is denied, what do you plan todo during your period of recess?
I really hope that it does not come to that. However, if it happens,I will go back to China and take English classes to sharpen mylanguage skills.