The Future Defense Leaders essay

For centuries, the American military in its desire for officers and soldiers to develop a keen value of leadership, has inculcated American military history of the nation as part of their education so that they will be better off aware and when the time comes, will be able to demonstrate what they learned in the field (Stofft, 1988). One of the problems faced by American military is the civil-military relation which dates back since the British colonies.

As part of the country that protects its people, competent and professional military leaders should be able to contribute to the national security policy making but the question is when should the line be drawn? There is no consensus of how much the military can intervene. Two questions that are waiting for answers; what is the proper level of military intervention? And in addition, with what or whom does the loyalty of a soldier lie? (Johnson and Metz, 1995)

Military and civil education is an integral part of military education so that there can still exist a part where humanitarian concerns are given its due. An officer or soldier is in need of education so that he can determine for himself or answer for himself the question where the puzzle lies. This might be the key to ending the animosity between these two bodies. If not given its proper due and psychological effect of the legacy during Cold war fades, then the fundamental debate will be brought to attention again and a possible crisis may occur (Johnson and Metz, 1995).

War colleges exist to facilitate higher level training, education and regarding national security strategy. It is one of the university’s challenges to promote competition in the defense industry as well as to make ready not only officials and soldiers, but civilian leaders as well so that they can meet up to the challenges of securing national and international order through multi-disciplinary programs, research, exchanges and outreach.


Stofft, W. American Military History. August 15, 1988. Center of Military History. Retrieved December 19, 2007 from http://www. history. army. mil Johnson, D. and S. Metz. American Civil-Military Relations: New Issues, Enduring Problems. April 24, 1995. Defense Technical Information Center. Retrieved December 19, 2007 from http://www. dtic. mil/