Birthcontrol or contraception refers to the process whereby women avoidconception. Various methods of birth control are used. They includecontraceptive pills, injections, intrauterine devices (IUDs) as wellas physical barriers like condoms. Use of contraceptives is not a newconcept to humanity. There have been intense debates over the yearson whether or not to go for birth control or not. These arguments arebased on moral, ethical, legal, religious, social, political andeconomic grounds. This essay will look at the arguments for andagainst birth control.
Theworld population has been growing at a rather worrying rate. It iscurrently estimated to be about 7 billion people. This has beenfacilitated by improvement in health care and innovations in themedical field that has led to high birth rates and reduced mortalityrates. The world resources on the other hand are under extensivepressure to sustain this growing population. Exploitation ofresources has also resulted to unsustainable development. As such,birth control becomes significant in the modern society (Gordon,2016).The increasing poverty levels especially in the developing world likeAsia and Africa are worrying, and can only be addressed if thepopulation is regulated.
Mostof the arguments against birth control are centered on morals. Itshould be noted that, birth control is not all about morals but alsoa matter of ethics. Whereas it may be immoral to prevent conception,it is also unethical to allow unplanned pregnancies that will lead tomore destitution. Women who get unwanted pregnancies end up sufferingeven more by bringing up children they were not prepared to have.Most are the times when women opt for an abortion to get rid ofunwanted pregnancies. Consequently, it would be unreasonable todisallow birth control because it will lead to increased abortioncases and destitution (Gordon,2016).
Religiousand moral teachings are one of the most popular arguments againstbirth control. Most religions believe that life is sacred and shouldbe treated as such. Religious doctrines also regard` God as the giverof life which should be valued and preserved (Reed,2014).Preventing conception is seen as being against the will of God. Thus,the use of birth control becomes very disturbing to most people inregard to their religious faith.
Inaddition, some opponents of birth control argue that, it can be usedas a means of coercion. In their view, just like female genitalmutilation, most women are victims of coerced birth control or evenabortion. Having birth control available for women makes it easierfor women to be subjected to cruel treatment and male domination(Reed,2014).
Conclusively,birth control use has been an issue that has raised debates acrossall spheres of the society. From religious, social, political,ethical, moral and economic point of view the issue remains apressing one. The use of birth control allows women to make a choiceto conceive or not to conceive. This allows them the freedom to plantheir lives and those of their children. For example, a young collegegirl whose focus is on education or a woman who is focused on hercareer can do so by choosing to plan her fertility. Even though moraland religious grounds are used to oppose birth control, they do notoffer solution to the problems that face the world population that isever increasing.
Gordon,L. (2016). . Dissent,63(2),136-142.
Reed,J. (2014). Thebirth control movement and American society: From private vice topublic virtue.Princeton University Press.