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IsTechnology Hurting our Society?
Technologyis an important concept in the 21stcentury since no individual today can survive without making it anecessity instead of a luxury. However, is technology hurting thesociety today or does it propel society to a more prosperous future.It is apparent that the society is abusing the use of technology intheir daily lives making it more of a devastating concept thanbeneficial. The abuse is mainly seen within the extensive structureof the society especially in schools, within work places, andindustries. Therefore, it is paramount that people change the mannerby which they engage technology in their everyday life balancingbetween utilizing technologies and performing their expected duties.On the other hand, this same technology tends to provide abundantbenefits to the society through making communication and coordinationeasier. The society has managed to embrace the concept in such a waythat it has provided convenience ensuring that the human race becomesmore knowledgeable concerning their society due to exposure tomultiple resources. Particularly, the establishment of the Internethas allowed most people to engage with technology in one way oranother making the world a better place. According to Nicholas Carr,the technological advancements are indeed hurting the society in oneform or another. However, one thing remains certain technology willcontinue to persist within global communities and its effects,whether good or bad, will influence the future generationsconsistently and persistently.
Theopposing side believes that technology in fact brings more positivethan negative outcomes to the society. According to Harris, thesebenefits are seen extensively in both schools and in work settings(8). In schools, the use of educational technology is important sinceit allows teachers to utilize different forms of teaching methodsrather than the normal traditional methods. Through the utilizationof technology in education, students are more likely to understandmore due to their exposure to a wide range of knowledgeable sources.They are also provided with a means to improve their criticalthinking capacities due to the independence technology offers.Additionally, the working environment benefits greatly benefits fromthe use of technology since they manage to have increasedcoordination within an organizations, which ensures the properactualization of goals. Through such practices, the individualswithin a company guarantee effective work, therefore, increasingcompany profits and an ultimate economy boost.
Further,it is evident that technology within the societies allows people toenjoy the advantages that it presents in terms of increased criticalthinking abilities and economy boost. In schools, teachers usetechnology to capture their students` attention since it providesplatforms for exciting learning through new and interactive teachingtechniques (Harris, 8). From such grounds, students manage tointeract with extensive information increasing their ability tolearn. They also interact with other students on online platformswhere they can exchange learning ideas and even understand morecompared to using the traditional methods of learning. Additionally,both teachers and students find the learning process to be enjoyablesince the much-dreaded monotony is broken. Furthermore, the studentsexperience an indirect improvement in their critical thinkingabilities including their decision-making, complex reasoning, andmemory through using technological inventions like the Internet(Harris, 8). Additionally, within the work environment, employeesuse teleconferences and other mechanism to coordinate theiractivities (Harris, 9). With this, the workers can easily develop anorganizational culture across the board ensuring that they all workin a consistent manner. Organizational cultures ensure that a companysticks to its objective and it a tool that guarantees organizationalsuccess once all employees realize its importance. In circumstanceswhere technology is minimally used, then the society may greatlybenefit from engaging technology.
Onthe other side, technology manages to provide more harm to thesociety than good, an opinion that is also backed by some credibleevidence. Even though technological advancements have allowedstudents to come across information in a quicker fashion and hasprovided them with multitasking skills, it has led to their inabilityto process information efficiently (Carr 191). Due to this, thestudents are not able to remember vast quantities of information intheir minds, which they would even access in the absence oftechnology. With this, it is evident that the Internet propelsforgetfulness in students since they lack the much-needed skillsinvolved face-to-face interactions to execute a school activityperfectly. Many individuals view the Internet as a reservoir ofinstantly available information, which frees up the human brain spacemaking room for mental productivity and processing Carr (191).However, this is wrong especially when individuals fail to combineideas, facts and their long-term memory experiences. Through theirinability to associate these elements, the students fail to learnappropriately resulting in failure. Additionally, workers within anorganization tend to lose their time management skills with theprolonged use of technology. These individuals spend more time intheir devices including computers and phones forgetting about theirtask. With this, they often miss deadlines and possibly importantmeetings, which negatively affect organizational performance.Therefore, it is important to note that even though technology is animportant tool in the society its overuse may lead to devastatingeffects in students and employees alike.
Theharmful effects of technology are evident when students use theInternet to gather prompt information instead of deeply comprehendingthe information gathered. These students keep moving from a source toanother without concentrating on a particular source of validinformation leading to interruption and an ultimate loss of focus andconcentration (Carr, 133). The students go through thoughtfragmentation and attention division that diverts the receivedinformation. Moreover, when engaging in online reading, distractionsare exhibited on all page breaks making the student focus todecrease, therefore, reducing their ability to comprehendsufficiently and attain a contemplative and slower mode of thought(Carr 134). However, different schools of thought may claim this notto be true since the internet serves as a holding ground for allneeded information that any student can readily manipulate to theirunderstanding. The brain has a limited short-term memory spacetherefore, if bombarded by a wide range of information gathered fromeach web page, the possibility of information movement to thelong-standing memory will decrease (Carr, 192). Some claim throughusing the internet as an information source, an individual need notshow interest in long-term memory since the information will alwaysbe there whenever they need to make a referral. Further, through anincreased engagement with technology, employees in a firm tend toexperience increased loss of time needed to carry out their tasks.They greatly engage in social networks within the work environmentsplitting their attention between their work duties and theirpersonal pleasure. Such activities may influence a company negativelysince time deadlines are not met. However, it can be argued thatthese workers are interacting with their fellow employees to seekideas concerning their jobs using these technological platformsmaking their time in the internet warranted.
Inclosing, while it is apparent that these two sides of the argumentdiffer profoundly, both opinions could gain from embracing viewpointsof the challenging argument. Technology and the Internet is a broadobject that cannot be simply considered to have positive or adverseeffects on society. By combining components from each school ofthoughts, a more precise argument can experience formulation, whichpoints out both the benefits and harms of technology rather thannarrowing the argument into a single category. If technology isrelied upon extensively giving no room for other interactions, it canbe negative to the society. Similarly, if the technology is ignored,individuals will miss the learning opportunities it presents to thesocietal children, as well as, the success opportunities it offers toorganizational personnel and the society as a whole. Therefore, it isnecessary to combine both arguments. With this, technology shouldexperience moderate usage allowing the society to have personalinteractions, which will further boost their brain activities.Through applying this resolution, the concerns of how technologyinfluences the society will be placed entirely in the users handswhere the outcome consists of advantages that either side lacksindependently.
Carr,Nicholas. TheShallows : How The Internet Is Changing The Way We Think, Read AndRemember.London: Atlantic Books Ltd, 2010, p. 1-300
Harris,Corey W. "The "Google" Paradox: Is Technology MakingUs Smarter?." ArmedForces Comptroller61.1 (2016): 8-10