DoesSingle-Sex Education boost success in academics?
DoesSingle-Sex Educationboost success in academics?
Single-sexeducation is a teaching method where boys and girls are taught inseparate schools or classrooms. It is an old teaching approach thathas long existed in many private schools, but recently gainingpopularity in all schools. About 400 public schools based on theNational Association for Single-Sex Public Education are currentlyoffering single-sex education.
Ina research by Arizona State University it was noted that academicsuccess is not improved by single-sex education, even though there isno single conclusive research that shows academic improvement insingle-sex based schools. Research has also indicated that single-sexeducation promotes/ increases gender stereotyping and legalizesinstitutional sexism. According to education expert view, a schoolshould be used as a platform to prepare students for adult life.Advocating for single-sex education system makes it difficult for thestudents to prepare for the adult life.
Helpernet al., (2011) in their research of equating single-sex education andcoeducational outcomes, it was observed that none of the two systemswas better than the other. This research was backed by similarreviews conducted in Great Britain, Australia and Canada thatindicated little or no dissimilarity between the two education systemoutcomes.
Accordingto the National Association for Single Sex Public Education (NASSPE)about an all-male school in Chicago which in the year 2006 had a 100percent of its school seniors granted full scholarships to collegesand universities. Even though education experts argue that separatingboys and girls cannot guarantee success and attribute Urban Prepsuccess to their intense focus on college and English double periods,the school’s single-sex format can be the reason for some of itssuccess.
Inconclusion, the type of teaching approach used can be assumed toimprove academic achievement, evaluations and college acceptancerate, there is little evidence that can point to improved educationoutcomes in sex-segregated school. It is evident from the variousresearch conducted that single-sex education promotes genderstereotyping. The vast research conducted to evaluate if single-sexeducation boost academic success have not yet yielded comprehensiveresults according to the Department of Educational Comparison in theU.S.
D.F. Halpern, L. Eliot, R. S. Bigler, R. A. Fabes, L. D. Hanish, J.Hyde, L. S. Liben, C. L. Martin. ThePseudoscience of Single-Sex Schooling.Science,2011 333 (6050): 1706 DOI: 10.1126/science.1205031