AnInvitation to Make a Speech
AnInvitation to Make a Speech
of the speech
Theguest considered in this case is Al Gore, who is a Nobel Laureate andthe cofounder of Generation Investment Management, LLC. In hispresentation “The case for optimism on climate change”, Goreargued that the world is currently making viable solutions to theissue of climate change. The speech answered three questions. Thefirst question was whether human beings should change. Gore began bypresenting shocking statistics (such as the fact that human beingsspew about 110 million tons of greenhouse gases every 24 hours) thatestablish the connection between climate change and human activities.Gore argued that human beings have to change in order to cope withenvironmental challenges (including longer droughts, extreme floods,and high temperatures) that result from global warming.
Secondly,Gore answered the question of whether human beings can change. Goreanswered this question by giving examples of how human beings arechanging. For example, Gore stated that the world has focused more onthe production of renewable energy, with the objective of reducingconsumption of fossil fuels. In addition, the increase in the energyefficiency, production of batteries for storage of energy, and theuse of sustainable agricultural practices are some of the keyindications that human beings can achieve a positive change. Inaddition, the increase in production and the decline in prices ofrenewable energy will encourage people to consume less fossil fuel,which will reduce the amount of greenhouse gases spewed into theatmosphere.
Lastly,Gore answered the question of whether human beings will actuallychange. Gore made an optimistic statement indicating that humanbeings have demonstrated the willingness to change. This wasconfirmed by the initiatives (such as the Paris agreement that wassigned by 195 nations to contain carbon emission) taken to addressclimate change. This answered the question by indicating that peopleare already changing.
Aninvitation letter
[Yourstreet address],
City,street zip],
May10, 2016.
ChairmanGeneration Investment Management,
20Air St,
LondonW1B 5AN,
Tel:+44 207634 4700
Re:An invitation to make a speech
DearMr. Al Gore,
Iwish to extend my invitation for you to make a speech at out classmeeting. I am writing on behalf of a group of classmates, who wish tounderstand the current trends on the issue climate change. We haveorganized a class meeting that will be held on May 20, 2016 and weshall be grateful to have you as our guest speaker. Kindly base yourspeech on the topic “The case for optimism on climate change”.
Iunderstand that there is a lot of information about climate change isavailable from different sources (such as the internet, magazines,and textbooks), but we find it being inconsistent. It is for thisreason that we have decided to look for the opinion of an expert, whohappens to be you. The majority of the classmates believe that youare the right person to address us because of your many years ofexperience, extensive research that you have done in the area ofclimate change, and the fact that you sound optimistic than themajority of scientists in this field. We have learned some thesefacts from your Twitter handle and your personal website.
Whenpreparing your speech, please consider our objectives, including
To determine how people contribute to climate change.
To determine the current measures taken to address climate change and their effectiveness
To determine if people are willing to change behaviors that pollutes the environment
To determine if there is hope for the future with respect to the issue of climate change
Webelieve that the contribution that you will make on the topic willbenefit all students. Kindly send your response or questions to mevia climatespeech@mail.com.
Athank you letter
[Yourstreet address],
[City,street zip],
May10, 2016.
ChairmanGeneration Investment Management,
20Air St,
LondonW1B 5AN,
Tel:+44 207634 4700
Re:Thanksgiving for a presentation
DearMr. Al Gore,
Kindlyaccept my sincere thanks for a brilliant presentation that you madeat our class meeting on May 20, 2016 on the topic “The case foroptimism on climate change”. Your presentation was enjoyed by theentire group of classmates. Judging from the feedback I have receivedfrom those who attended, the presentation was very successful. It wasquite difficult for all of us to comprehend the current trends on theissue of climate change, but your presentation provided us withup-to-date information.
Mostimportantly, the presentation addressed all objectives that weoutlined in the invitation letter. For example, you helped usunderstand that people contribute towards climate change by relyingon fossil fuels, while the issue of global warming is being addressedby increasing production of renewable energy. In addition, allclassmates who attended the session now comprehend that people havealready started changing behavior by adopting practices that reduceconsumption of fossil fuel. By stating that investors and businessare already moving towards the positive behavior that will resolvethe moral challenge of greenhouse gas emission, you restored hope inclassmates who heard the speech.
Itruly thank you for finding time to address the group of classmates,in spite of your busy schedule. We are all inspired and hope that youwill address us again.
Listof reference
Gore,A. 2016. The case for optimism on climate change. TEDConference, LLC.[Online] Available at: <https://www.ted.com/talks/al_gore_the_case_for_optimism_on_climate_change?language=en#t-230563>[Accessed 10 May 2016].