Effectof Different Kinesio Taping Application
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Effectof Different Kinesio Taping Application
Non-specificlow back pain is a general term that means a type of back pain in thelumbar area and does not have any particular cause (Dankaerts, etal., 2006).The Kinesio taping is a taping method designed to ensurethat the body heals as it gets support and stability of the muscles,joints and other parts of the body without restricting the mobilityof the patients. Studies assessed skeletal injuries on the spine.Treatment with KT substantially improved pain levels and range ofmotion. In patients with acute whiplash-associated issues of thecervical spine both immediately and after one-day injury thelong-term outcomes did not differ between the two groups. Patientswith chronic low back pain treated with KT plus exercise, KT alone,or exercise alone experienced significant ease in short-term painwhile the exercise-only individuals also showed significantly lesslong-term disability
Non-SpecificLow Back Pain
Non-specificlow back pain has got three categories. The types are acute,sub-acute and chronic low back pain, which is based on the durationthat the individual experiences the pain. Acute low back paincontinues for fewer than six weeks. Sub-acute leads to episodes ofpain between six weeks and twelve weeks while in chronic low backpain, the individual suffers pain for twelve weeks or longer. Lowback pain affects approximately 60-80% of the people with thelifetime prevalence rate of low back pain estimated at 84% while theprevalence of chronic low back pain is estimated to be 23%(Bae,2013).It is also estimated that about 11-12% of the entirepopulation is disabled by low back pain (Dankaerts, et al. 2006).Non-specific low back pain patients consist of 90% of the patientsappearing for primary care, the majority of who are presented forphysiotherapy. Non- specific low back pain is caused by traumaticinjury, lumbar strain, and postural strain. The pain could also beresulting from secondary conditions such as inborn disease, spinalStenosis, and lumbar compression fracture.
Themanagement of squat back pains has affected many people and hence thedeliberate effort to alleviate the suffering. The taping also ensuresthat there is the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body toenhance the benefits of manual therapy among the chronic ill patientsespecially those with lower back problems (Słupik, et al. 2006). Thetape is mostly used on patients who are within the clinical setting,and it is a latex-free tape which is used for several days at a time.The tape is said to rehabilitate the condition that the patients areexperiencing. The tape can be used in diverse ways and has beenmentioned to have the ability to rejuvenate the muscular system whilereducing the pain.A trial was organized to find any discrepancybetween the tape and the placebo one which has been used for quitelong and which most of the people know (Dankaerts, et al. 2006).
Evidenceof Kinesio tape
KinesioTaping is widely used in clinical practice among the patients for along time although the practice has been prevalent in the developedcountries than in the developing countries. However, it is not clearif the Kinesio tape is more effective than placebo taping in the useby patients with chronic lower back pains. The objective was tocompare the efficiency of Kinesio taping in the use by patients whoare chronically ill with low back problem and pains against placebotape within a control group (Parreira, et al. 2014). The idea was toassess any noticeable difference between the uses of the tapes withan aim to achieve an informed position. In the method used, three-armrandomized regulated with the blinded evaluator (Lumbroso et, 2014).In the exercise, sixty patients, all with chronic specific low backproblems were picked at random and put into one of the three groups.The Kinesio taping group consisted of 20 patients while the placebogroup consisted of twenty patients (Yoshida, & Kahanov, 2007). Tohelp make comparisons and monitor the trial, there was a controlgroup of twenty too. The patients were directed to the two groupsconsisting of Kinesio taping and placebo taping and were required touse different tapes within a period of 48 hours. However, there wasno intervention in the control group. The magnitude of the pain wasmeasured by a twelve -point scale of rating while a disabilityquestionnaire measured disability. A blinded evaluator measured thefindings at baseline, first after 48 hours and then after seven dayssince the randomization (Yoshida, & Kahanov, 2007). In theoutcomes after 48 hours, statistics revealed the significantdifference between the Kinesio taping groups against the controlgroup. The mean between the group differences was -3.0points.Therewas, however, no difference in comparison to the placebo group whichhad a mean between the groups as 1.8 points. In the other results,there was no discrepancy observed. The conclusion was that theKinesio taping is not any better than the placebo micro pole to thepatients suffering from low back pains. There is hence no tangibleevidence that the Kinesio tape is a better way to manage the low backpains compared with the placebo tape.
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