Childhood Trauma essay



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Thebook, BrokenGlass Park,highlights the story of a seventeen year-old old SaschaNaimann who dreams of writing a novel that details the life of hermother. A man, who she also wants to write a story about him, killedSascha’s mother. Apparently, the man who killed his mother was herstepfather. Later, she struggles to raise her younger siblings whowere left behind following the death of her mother. Sascha encountersgrave and painful childhood, something that she wants to record in anovel. The book has important information regarding the traumaticevents and effects to children. It is considered the book offers afair assessment of childhood trauma.

Sascha’slife and dreams act as motivators to many people who read the book.It is a life-challenging novel that details different situations thatwe encounter in our daily lives. Apparently, children undergoingtraumatic events face unique challenges, which make it difficult togenerate interventions.


Saschalives in the Russian ghetto with her younger siblings and mother,although, the mother is later killed. She is a gifted woman,street-wise and independent. Since the death of her mother, Saschahas started taking life from a different angle despite the multiplechallenges and traumatic experiences in her life. Living as an orphanis not easy for her due to financial insufficiency. Lack of supportfrom the society is another challenging event, compounded by the factthat she is a teenager. Another notable concern is that theneighborhood has people from low-income class hence, making itdifficult to ask support from them. Most of her colleagues dream ofliving the area contrary to Sascha’s intentions. Despite the poorconditions, she believes in her dreams. We observe that Sascha isself-confident, making her appealing to the society. Even withoutsupport, one should look for opportunities to pursue. Individualsundergoing stressful conditions undergo different experiences thatshape their life either negatively or positively. It all depends onthe path taken by an individual to ensure he or she overcomes thestressful conditions.

Theprimary intervention measures need to include an initial assessmenton the affected individual to determine the appropriate measures.Issues such as goals, potential risks and consequences should beassessed appropriately. The approach helps one to developinterventions for the traumatic conditions. The consequences may begrave hence, may require interventions and support fromprofessionals. However, individual efforts are necessary to ensurethat a child or any other affected individual reduces the negativeconsequences.The risks and fears created by trauma makes the affected individualslead a less productive particularly those that have experiencedgrave traumatic events. From the beginning statement of the novel,the author highlights the setbacks encountered by the people, withmajority losing hope. This is seen where Sascha says, “Sometimes Ithink I’m the only one in our neighborhood with any worthwhiledreams” (Bronsky 2014, p. 5). Many people in her neighborhood aredesperate therefore, tend to think that they cannot solve theirchallenges in their current situations (Bronsky2014, p. 46).Most of the problems people suffering from trauma face includephysical harassment and lack of security. Based on their nature, suchindividuals cannoteasily identify with the normal life. As a result, their personaldevelopment is highly compromised.

Itis important for an assessment to be conducted to determine theappropriate handling measures for the affected individual. Childrenexperiencing trauma have a tendencyto develop challenges in cognitive development. Further, children arelikely to experience stress due to the difficulties in managing thesituation (Lewis2000, p. 51).Despitethe availability of medication that can ease many complicationslinked to the condition, children are unable to overcome thesituation. With appropriate intervention and support, individualsexperiencing prolonged trauma can manage a comfortable and meaningfullife. Traumatic children usually encounter social difficulties in thecommunity, such as, lack of support, disgrace and contravention ofessential human rights. Unfortunately, the society is not taking therightful role in assisting the affected individuals as Sascha detailsin her story. Community members need to be informed about handlingdissimilar individuals regardless of their health and mentalconditions. The society controls the way people think and perceivepeople with traumatic challenges. Execution of the social guidelinesfor the establishment of responsive social guidelines should serve toinform them on the quandaries of other people (Karr-Morse &amp Wiley2011, p. 21).

Inconclusion, Sascha faces traumatic events that do not deter her fromrealizing personal goals. Writing a novel is not an easy engagement,as it requires total dedication and commitment by the writer. We alsoobserve that personal goals are known to re-shape the people’sviews and habits, particularly, on social lifestyles. Sascha takes itupon her to devise and eliminate the multiple challenges that canruin her later life. By writing the book, she gives a good example ofhow people under traumatizing conditions can lead better life. Herstory is a challenge to most people who live deplorable situations.People are different, facing varied opportunities and challengeshence, it depends with the path an individual takes to shape his orher path in life.


Bronsky,A., &amp Mohr, T. (2010). BrokenGlass Park.New York, Europa Editions.

Bronsky,A. (2014). Justcall me a superhero.New York, Europa Editions.

Karr-Morse,R., &amp Wiley, M. S. (2012). Scaredsick: The role of childhood trauma in adult disease.New York, Basic Books.

Lewis,S. (2000). Anadult`s guide to childhood trauma.Cape Town, David Philip.