Abolishing Exams in University and School essay


AbolishingExams in University and School

Table of Contents

Introduction 4

Thesis Statement 5

Literature Review 5

Examination System 5

Exams Focus on Breadth 8

Exams Do Enhance Learning 9

Counter Arguments 12

Conclusion 14

References 16


Examsin universities and colleges are exceedingly important in determininghow individuals proceed to the next level. Without incorporatingexams in the learning process, it would be difficult to determine ifstudents can handle or apply what they have learnt for instance, itis not possible to determine if a learner has grasped a given conceptsuch as accounting without testing him/her through exams. In caseexams become abolished, there would be no standard measure of gaugingwhether learners have acquired the necessary knowledge or skills. Inmost cases, individuals are in a position to handle issues orproblems that they encounter in life. Therefore, exams in universityand schools are exceedingly important in establishing how individualsrelate and solve problems that affect them. Exams need not beabolished because other ways of making assessment do not provide theappropriate ways to explore the skills and the effective learningamong the students. Moreover exams help the students to determine thelevel of their understanding about a particular subject and providethem the chance to improve their skills by identifying the problemsthat are present in them regarding the different disciplines. It isthe reality that when the students have exams, they are seen to beinvolved in the great competition with other students. In case of thetough competition, students then do not want to increase theirknowledge, but just want to beat other students. In addition, some ofthe individuals stated that the exams should be abolished from theeducation system as they discourage the students’ learning process(Fontana,et.al, 2015).This paper will identify the importance of exams in the life of astudent. It will be argued that exams make the students capable toperform well. Also, it is a bad decision to abolish exams in theschools and universities. Furthermore, it will be argued that examsmust not be abolished as examination process is the only approach forthe teachers to get response from their students.


Examsand tests is a criteria that is commonly used by all institutions oflearning across the world to evaluate the knowledge, skills andstudents’ level of understanding of the concepts thought in classor any learning set up. Exam is a term that more often creates phobiaand anxiety among the students transforming their moods drasticallyfrom being jovial and happy, driving them into a lot of frustration,nervousness and disturbance that is clearly reflected on their facesduring exam period. Exams in schools and universities is used as astandard measure and criteria to assess and establish students’ability to grasp, understand, synthesize and apply the skills,knowledge and various areas of study thought, discussed ordemonstrated in class. First established to observe and monitor howthe students were performing academically, and now they have muchpressure on them. Due to the excess pressure on the students theybecome frustrated. The strict rules and regulations set by differentexam bodies across the globe frequently create stress among studentas they are bound to adhere to them. The rules are meant to monitorand control the process of conducting exams so that it is carried outin a fair and transparent manner, minimizing irregularities as muchas possible. Nevertheless, the results are unique and differentbecause of the disparity in level of intelligence and understandingamong the learners (Mansour,2013).It is the reality that when the students have exams, they are seen tobe involved in the great competition with other students. In case ofthe tough competition, students focus on defeating their fellowstudents through grading rather than increasing their knowledge whichis the core purpose of learning. During the research, it was evidentthat most of the respondents supported the abolition of exams fromthe education system as it discourages the students’ learningprocess (Fontana,et.al, 2015).

Oneof the important aspects of the stress developed during the exams isthe last minute study as most of the students prepare for theexaminations when they are very near. Students are required tosacrifice their social life, and they get under huge pressure andtension. Nevertheless, for different tutors, exams is a vital andsignificant part of the education process (Guyon,Maurin, &amp McNally, 2012).If the students study their books and other learning materials on aregular basis, then the incidences of last minute rush can beavoided. Students having a strong plan for their study wouldcertainly not meet the common problems during the exams includinganxiety, stress, and weight loss as they are prepared mentally fortheir exams(Della Malva, Lissoni, &ampLlerena, 2013).Most of the time, it is the students fault as they are notwell-prepared as they have wasted their time in the other activities.


Examsare meant to be of beneficial to the students as it is used as abenchmark to assess the knowledge they have conceived during theirstudies. Most educationists believe that exams are imperative for thestudents as they are for the betterment of the students. On the samenote, exams not only make the learning process be more objective butalso provides a fair and balanced evaluation of each student. Thestudying process and sitting for exams develops the learning process.Therefore exams should not be abolished from universities, colleges,and other institutions of learning. There are many reasons thatsupport and justify this argument. The other ways of makingassessment do not provide the appropriate ways to explore the skillsand the effective learning among the students. Moreover, exams helpthe students to determine the level of their understanding about aparticular subject, improving their skills by identifying theproblems that are present in them regarding the different disciplines(Sheppler,et.al, 2014).A good number of teachers are against abolishing of exams inuniversities and schools. They believe that exams is the onlyappropriate way to evaluate the learning process ofstudents.However,they recommend that measures need to be taken toimprove the credibility of exams and the bodies responsible inoverseeing that they are successfully conducted.

LiteratureReviewExamination System

Inthis research, the term “system of examination” is considered asone of the key areas in the assessment and evaluation of exams.However, the term system is limited to the assessment of theuniversity and school students. In some of the cases, educationsystem is run by the government. Accordingto Khaniya (1990), inScotland, the examinations are run by the Examination Board. InAmerican education system the examination system is operated by asection of privately owned agencies, whereas in Japan some amount ofthe different tiers of exams given are mostly by the receivingeducational institutions. Some of the common terms used include&quotpublic examinations&quot, &quotformal examinations&quot and&quotexternal examinations&quot. In contrast, the terms are notidentical hence need for more comprehensive research to bring outtheir differences (Phelps&amp Spangler, 2013).The semesters in the education system are utilized to fully cover thesyllabus and do the assessment tests which a very common formal islearning mechanism deployed in most schools.Oliphant (2000) stated that mostof the attention is given to examinations in the schools normallydoesn`t cover the holistic approach to examination that is needed tobe summarized in Achievement’s Records. Despite the fact thatcapabilities acquired from exams and test might be an essential partof Record of Achievement, its focus is somewhat deviated from what isneeded. The expression &quotsystem of examination” is discussed inthis work, and does not hinder particular kind of summative exams, orspecific purposes. In addition, some of the possible steps for thebetterment of the conventional education system include,(a) astandard referenced or paradigm referenced (b) a completely outsideor a blend of teacher exams and assessments (c) utilization of ascope of examination tools, e.g., questions needing developed answersor the objective (d) fill a range of requirements. The primary roleis to estimate the level of student achievement at personal level(Sheppleret.al, 2014).

Theabove discussed steps on how education system can be improvedfacilitates the support, graduation, certification or accreditationprocesses toward the end of an academic year or the end of thecourse. It enables students to categorize into different courses orclasses, promoting the students of each level to next class andselecting students who qualify for the next class. For instance,controlling the flow of students to the higher education, occupationsor training opportunities either at the primary or secondary level,to observe outputs of education and ensure accountability in thesector (Meng,2013). There is the need to emphasize upon the credibility of examinationsso that the main purpose of assessment can be attained. Processes forthe betterment of the examinations could include assessing teachersand schools, and student’s achievement. Vandewalle&amp Callens, (2013), claim that thecomparatively new together with other factors have ruined the variousapproaches to an existing system of examination frameworks in somenations. With the passage of time examinations have turned out to bea critical point of discussion. This is evident in the Scotlandcontext: the Higher Grade examinations which are subject based,customarily taken after five years of secondary schooling, whichserve the dual need for managing access to higher education andcertifying achievement. Mansour(2013) suggests thatthough more currently, the results of Higher Grade have been employedas a significant segment of the Standard Tables, an assessment toolconsidered by the Education Department of Scotland and now employedby the regional administrators, education policymakers, universitiesand schools at the national level.

Further,regardless of the possibility that the educational sector would staystatic, the contention would be unrealistic for staying stationary.Budaman (2012) argues that different amendments are required to givea further motivation towards the modifications and development of theexamination system .Greater rates of participation and the steps to amore extensive coverage and the development of vocational educationhave put the pressure on the system of exams to change and develop. Examinations can be lever for the curricular amendments or barriersto it. DellaMalva, Lissoni, &amp Llerena, (2013)suggest that the amendments made in the examination system could beseen as negative or positive. What is not questioned is the power ofan exam is to achieve change. Research has established that as markson the exams or assessment employed tend to enlarge, scores ondifferent measures tend to reduce (Gikandi,Morrow, &amp Davis, 2011).Forinstance, where evaluation of the theoretical features of a subjectis more careful than the practical viewpoints’ assessment, or wherethose features of a subject which can be evaluated easily are givendefinite quality in the exams (Gikandi,Morrow, &amp Davis, 2011).The core purpose of the education process will influence what istaught by the teachers, and to the significant level, what isesteemed in the process of education. Practice and doctrine inconnection with the system of examination are under research indifferent countries. An appropriate method of examination is a leverof significant force: it can prompt change to be the balance ofcontrol in the entire system of education training (Sheppleret.al, 2014).

Furthermore,appropriate programs of examinations expect to give a reasonableassessment of every student (Budaman,2012).They accomplish this in two different manners. In the first place,they employ assignments and efficient strategies in conducting thosetests to ensure the credibility of the whole process is notcompromised. This provides students various opportunities so thatthey can reveal what they know as well as what they don’t.(Phelps&amp Spangler, 2013).Differentprograms additionally empower teachers to be more confident regardingthe precision of their assessments about every student. Second, thetasks should be &quotfit for the reason&quot. Accepting a subjecthas various objectives (skills to attain, effective to learn), everyassignment ought to be suitable for the particular objective orobjectives it is evaluating thus substantiating the claim on how exambased learning is crucial and helpful to the students (Sheppler,et.al, 2014).

Exams Focus on Breadth

Inmany systems, there are particular assortments of information thatstudents rely upon in the learning process. Students of physics mayfind out about thermodynamics while the students of history subjectmay learn new facts about the cold war(Patruno, et.al, 2014).Exams together with research projects and conducting practical’senables teachers to establishstudents’ expansiveness ofknowledge and command of these subjects. (Vandewalle&amp Callens, 2013).

Thesedifferent assignments provided to the students are forth developmentsessential higher-order thinking aptitudes, for example, examinationand decision-making skills. Though, such tasks are not considered tobe the alternatives to exams in schools and universities as they arenot like the examinations that cover the whole courses taught to thestudents (Khaniya,1990).They do extraordinary things. Furthermore, this is specifically whatone needs: numerous, diverse assignments to increase theopportunities for students to exhibit what they can do and what theyknow exactly. The process of education wants fit-for-purpose as wellas allowing making the assessment related to the different things. Where knowledge breadth is critical, educationists need tasks forassessment that aim this broadness. Society needs future doctors whoknow the whole human body, or future educators to understand aninsight of learning and teaching approaches. Equipping people withknowledge and evaluating their understanding through learning willhelp to produce skilled and qualified doctors or tutors.

Exams Do Enhance Learning

Differentstudies and researches have established that studying and givingexams increases the process of learning .Studying helps the studentsto think critically (Mansour,2013).Sharf (2014) argues that he procedure of searching an individual’smemory and recovering the appropriate data strengthen the memory thatprovides the development for the future employment (Patruno et.al.(2014).Different studies have revealed that learning is specificallystrong when students undertake the task of evaluating themselves.Despite the low interest and commitment shown by students towardsreading and learning by the deployment of the conventionaltechniques, different educationist of the world suggest that there isneed for students to study and to learn by formulating suitablequestions, and also looking for memory for appropriate responses andtry to incorporate this information together into the proper answer.Phelps&amp Spangler (2013)explains that the exams do not only give a targeted and suitableopportunity for the different students in learning institutions toexhibit what they know but also provides a way to learn and improvisewhat the students know as well. Additionally, Patruno et.al. (2014)explain that exams help to acquire a change the learning of anindividual since they give regular input to the students whorecognize their inadequacies and then work on them. Further, theexams encourage competitions among different students. Additionally,exams are the great tool to decide the viability of showing theircapability and potential since instructors get a chance to monitorand assess their demonstrating strategies as per their student’simprovement.

Researchand different studies have established exams is the most common wayused to evaluate students in most learning institutions. All thingsconsidered, that is an ideal approach to assessing the knowledge andability of a student.Oliphant (2000) argued that oneof the primary points of interest of examinations is that they are asimple tool to evaluate the ability of the student on the regularbasis. With them, a student will have the capacity to know hislearning and academic performance. For some individuals, anexamination is a suitable way to study as they push them to continuetheir studies by engaging themselves directly. Also, Meng(2013) claimsthat exams can form an environment of competition that pushesstudents to work hard. Likewise, they assist in facilitating one`sidentity and raise the confidence level as well as when the studentswork hard and are rewarded in the form of the success they getencouragement from the teachers and the parents that boost theirconfidence level and they think that their learning skills areeffective and they want to pursue for the results.

Theeducation aim ought to be to prepare the students to face the variouschallenges in life. The purpose of exams is to evaluate the knowledgeof the students in a particular time and in assessing whether thestudents have gone through a particular study course adequately.Exams allow the teachers to know how the students have comprehendedthe subject. Good results of the examinations make parents andteachers happy (Fontana,et.al, 2015).

Examinationsmake the students work harder for getting great marks. Some of theschools give certificates and offer grants to those students whoperform exceptionally well. Such awards motivate the students toperform well. Educating is always accompanied exams in light of thefact that the tests give an impression, on how well the students havecomprehended the subject (DellaMalva, Lissoni, &amp Llerena, 2013).A good outcome offers the teacher some assistance and provides themthe satisfaction about his or her accomplishment in providingeducation to their students. On the other hand, poor result indicatethat there is need for teachers to put in more effort (Meng,2013).Inthis way, examinations are likewise a method for assessing thecommitment of the teacher to his or her profession. With theassistance of the of examinations’ result, parents can make theproper evaluation of their child’s knowledge (Meng,2013).Examinations are among the first things that introduces the youngones into the competitive world, teaching them what it takes tosucceed in life and the importance of knowledge that is acquiredthrough learning. But, the significance linked to them isirrationally high. There are many reasons that could be easily givento give the explanation that mask their significance. For instance,the stress and anxiety provided to the students by the exams. Amidthe time of examination and till the result is announced the studentsas well as their guardians and mentors become so anxious and nervous(Guyon,Maurin, &amp McNally, 2012).


However,differentresearches have established that not the sufficient basis for thepractical life and assess just the memory of a student regarding anysubject in spite of flexible learning and knowledge thatappropriately consider the assignments can afford (Oliphant,2000) Itis certainly significant to assess the learning and knowledge alsothe complete skills, but this might be done more reasonably viaapproaches for instance essays and the suitable employment of tasksthan via terrible world of final exams (Fontana,et.al, 2015).More unusual types of exams incorporate more assignments, oralpresentation, continuous evaluations with projects and practical’s.Education system ought to take into consideration the practicality ofeducation and what learners have gained which in most cases not donevia examinations. In advanced education, presentations through wordpreparing, power point is a precious resource and while oralpresentations and essays permit the students to illustrate theircapabilities and skills.

Anotherdisadvantage of exams is that they havea poor quality of prediction since they just assess the capacity andthe learning of the student under set circumstances and in a veryrestricted time. Most of the times a student who is good at studiesmight get confused under the strict and severe environment ofexamination hall and might not perform well (Mansour,2013).Teachersand parents evaluate the potential of a student through examinations.Not a lot is taught beyond the syllabus of a subject, and justexaminations decide the student’s degree or evaluation. DifferentCommissions, which were set up to enhance this framework prescribeddown to periodical tests and practical training as well. Leaking ofquestion papers, cheating, and other dishonest practices, that haveemerged in the system of examination ought to be monitored (Khaniya,1990 Mansour, 2013).

Today,psychologist or the counselors of school give students legitimatecounsel to build the effectiveness of learning and knowledge inschools and handle the excessive burden of examination (Meng,2013).A positive mental state can improve the opportunity for progress. The things that could support the statement that there are also thenegative aspects that must not be neglected such as cheating andleaking of the question papers during exams have turned into atypical issue. Oliphant(2000) stated that corruptpractices like bribery additionally have penetrated into the systemof examination. Indeed, even some educators check the examinationpapers without assessing them appropriately, as a result of which thestudents suffer terribly. Examinations give a grade or position ordegree to students. The conventional education system does not helpthe students to make their profession in life or to win a respectableliving in the sense that the education prepares the students to bemore of job seekers than creating jobs thus flooding the job marketthat has minimal opportunities. The students who not succeed to getthe appropriate percentage of marks suffer a lot (Patrunoet.al., 2014).To overcome the inadequacy present in the system of education,numerous Education Commissions have been established in differentstates and again to recommend amendments in the pattern.

Asindicated by educational specialists, progressive assessment andevaluation is more effectual than board examinations. Experts havesuggested a requirement for the new system which would convey theeducation via training process. Educationists feel that theeducation system being out of date and excess is not filling the needfor teaching the students (Meng,2013).Educationists have felt the requirement to assess the academicperformance of the students during the entire year. This could makethe system of examination more worthy and valuable in as far asimparting knowledge to students is concerned.


Thestudy has identified the importance of exams in the life of astudent. They play a vital role in facilitating the learning process.They inspire students to put more effort into learning, grasping theconcepts thought appropriately and applying the same in exams as wellas in real life. In addition, exams sharpen the student’s criticalthinking ability and their ways of perception. Therefore, abolishingexams in universities and schools should be discouraged. Students andother stakeholders in the education sector need to emphasize on theimportance of education and exams in imparting knowledge and skillsas well as facilitating the learning process. Today, psychologist orthe counselors of school give students legitimate counsel to buildthe effectiveness of learning and knowledge in schools and handle theexcessive burden of examination. A positive mental state can improvethe opportunity for progress. Exam is a term that creates tension,nervousness and phobia among students. Exams are very crucial forschools and universities as it is a standard measure that is used toassess, evaluate and determine students’ level of understanding,the knowledge they have gained together with their ability to applythem. The conventional education system does not help the students tomake their profession in life or to win a respectable living.Students who not succeed to get the appropriate percentage of markssuffer a lot.

Toensure that the students comprehend with what they have been taughtby their instructors, exams should be conducted. Though there arealso the other methods that should be used for the assessment purposealong the examinations such as the assignments, presentations and theother activities so that only examinations would not be the onlysource of making judgment for the skills of the students. This shouldalso make those who are supporting abolition of exams to acknowledgeand appreciate the fact that other techniques can be applied alongwith examinations to evaluate the capability and potential ofstudents. So through the examination system the teachers can classifythe smart and the weaker students in light of the fact everyone isnot equal. In the meantime, the teacher can find a way to assist theweaker students to enhance their learning process by giving more andmore attention to them. It could be said that exams have their ownimportance but also they should not be the only criteria for makingthe assessment. Therefore, exams need not be abolished because otherways of making assessment do not provide the appropriate ways toexplore the skills and the effective learning among the students.Moreover exams help the students to determine the level of theirunderstanding about a particular subject and provide them the chanceto improve their skills by identifying the problems that are presentin them regarding the different disciplines.


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