Leadership and Strategic Plan essay


Table of Contents


Strategic Planand SWOT Analysis Worksheet…………………………………………5




EngagingCommunities and Building Constituencies…………………………………..11

Budgeting,Financing, and Human Resources…………………………………………..13

PerformanceManagement &amp Health Informatics………………………………………..14



Before myappointment by the Lake Troubled Shallows Department in Minnesota asthe new Health Program Planner, the Health Department conducted acomprehensive community health needs. Based on the assessment, thesecommunity health needs were established: Health disease and strokeprevention physical activity diabetes screening monitoring andtreatment of maternal, infant, and child health and mental healthand disorders screening and treatment. As the new Health ProgramPlanner, I was tasked with picking one of the five community healthneeds within the first five years. Here, I choose to focus onmonitoring and the treatment of maternal, infant, and child health.

The problemof control and treatment of maternal, infant, and child healthmatches with one of the Healthy People 2020 objective. With this aimis the sub-objective that aligns with the problem to bring out abright background scenario, rationale, and magnitude of the saidproblem. The sub-objective in the question is to reduce the rate offetal pregnancy and infant mortalities during the prenatal periodbetween 30 weeks of gestation to 1 week after birth. The identifiedproblem matches with the sub-objective within the Healthy People 2020objective targeted at reducing the rate of infant and fetal death(McMillan, 2008). As the new Health Program Planner, the rationalebehind the selection of this problem is based on the fact that strongstart indicators reflect the importance of carrying out earlyprenatal care intervention. Others include healthy relationshipsbetween infant-maternal bonding promoted through breastfeeding, andthe nutrition, which is necessary to grow the infants` brain and bodyhealthy.

Again, thisproblem is chosen because of the need to have equal and accessibleopportunity for health. Every conversation regarding health revolvesaround sickness that requires a proper response to health care.However, there is more to &quotsickness,&quot and the opportunityneeded to be healthy is more about &quotwellness,&quot and thusbrings out the rationale for the problem. The problem resulting fromthe level of wellness is shaped by social, economic, and physicalconditions surrounding the protective mothers, infant, and children(McMillan, 2008). Additionally, the rationale behind the problem isthat our environment is also shaped by private and public policies,for example, racism, and social values like the right to qualityeducation.

The magnitudeof the problem is shown by the infants, children, and protectivemothers in Minnesota who do not have the luxury to be healthy.Matching the problem with the Healthy Minnesota 2020, the MinnesotaDepartment of Health showed prevalence and incidence of itscommunity. For instance, prenatal care involved clinical and othertypes of care for pregnant mothers. Between 2008 and 2013, the numberof medical visits dropped compared to the previous statistics. Fromthe records within the department, low birth weight, prematurity, andexpectant mothers with malnutrition problems, were noted to besignificant contributors to the high costs of prenatal care andinfant mortality (Levine, 2009). McMillan (2008) pointed out thatexpectant Minnesotan mothers who receive quality prenatal care,proper nutrition, and the necessary support they require during thepregnancy stage are more likely to attain full-term pregnancies.

According to the Healthy Minnesota 2020, the impact this problem hason the society and communities is characterized by incomeinsufficiencies, poverty, and proper opportunity to health. In theMinnesotan community, for instance, income influences the quality ofhealth infants and children will have. The Minnesotan disparity isaffected primarily by the differences in ethnicity and race. Theproblem of maternal, infant and child health assessment and treatmentaffects the safety of the community, limits individual opportunitiesfor, increases the anxiety levels, contributes to school absenteeismand limits the child`s opportunity for proper education.

StrategicPlan and SWOT Analysis Worksheet

As the new Health Program Planner, I went ahead to execute astrategic plan as mandated by my job description. The procedure forchange created fundamental tension within the department. Thetension, based on the situation described above, underlined numerousdiscussions of the need for strategic change within the department.The tension would not have been a necessity if individuals in theLake Troubled Shallows Department in Minnesota had performed theirduties the right way in monitoring and treatment of maternal, infant,and child health. The planned change to be carried out by the newHealth Program Planner is often triggered by the people`s failure tocome up with continuously adaptive organizations (Stacey, 1993, p.120). Organizational change, according to Darwin et al. (2002),routinely occurs within the context of the failure of some kind.Green et al. (2015) mused that &quotFirst, there were lossesexperienced, then there was a plan to conduct change, andimplementation followed, which eventually led to unexpected results.&quot

Failure tomonitor and the treat maternal, infant, and child health will requirethe new chief executive to conduct change amid resistance from thehospital board. The change would have been carried out based on thethree stages of change, namely, unfreeze, change, and refreeze, whichaccording to Darwin et al. (2002), continues to be regarded as therecipe for proper handling of maternal, infant, and child`s health.As the Health Program Planner, I am led by the management as part ofagents of change, the transformational change of the department stoodin between success and failure depending on how the company and itsemployees could cope with the modification.

The decisionto restructure Lake Troubled Shallows Department in Minnesota meantthat transformational failures were likely to be experienceddepending on individual justifications for the same. Darwin et al.(2002) observed that failures are mostly directed to the failure ofjustifying the switch to the department`s structure. For instance, ifLake Troubled Shallows Department`s new chief executive fails toexplain his decision in solving the problem of maternal, infant, andchild health, one of the defenses in Minnesota could be based on thedownsizing of a certain percentage of the workforce (Levine, 2009).The response from the department would be one of the private andresentment communications behind closed doors, from the board, with alot of mistrust from the hierarchical superiors.

The staff inMinnesota experienced the kind of situation, which needed quickcalculation for the unexpected change. That sort of change in thecompany`s structural system led to a sort of drama from the topexecutive, which deliberately brought about some form of emotionalstir-up against the projected change. Levine (2009) made it clearthat such emotional stir-up led to the breakdown of complacency andself-righteousness that resulted in this situation in the firstplace. Since the company may require the breaking of both equilibriumand transition to create new balance change, the situation LakeTroubled Shallows Department in Minnesota is in, is most likelyassociated with the planned and intentional change.

In anorganization, there are agents of change towards monitoring andtreatment of maternal, infant, and child health, and Lake TroubledShallows Department in Minnesota is no exception. With this kind ofcorporate change, Lake Troubled Shallows Department in Minnesota isrepresented by the new Health Program Planner followed by other topexecutives. They are agents of change representing prime movers whocreate structural and operational change within the company. As thenew Health Program Planner, I also saw it fit to change how theoperations of the department were conducted, which in turn,representing the agent of change. Step by step procedure aimed atenacting the role of a prime mover (Levine, 2009). What is differentabout the new changes within a department is that as the new HPP, Idemonstrated that an individual in every department in Lake TroubledShallows can be a prime mover in finding solutions to maternal,infant, and child health.

The decision to restructure Lake Troubled Shallows Department`soperations, the number of employees, and proper use of resources alsorepresents a continuous corporate change. As the new Health ProgramPlanner, I saw the need to carry out long-term plans of the company.Based on such a scenario, Green et al. (2015) use &quotcontinuouschange&quot as a phrase to group organizational changes, whichappears to be evolving, ongoing, and is cumulative. Lake TroubledShallows Department in Minnesota would experience change as apresumption of actions carried out by agents of change, including newmanagement. As a result, the decision to conserve the company`sresources is the &quotrealization of an organization`s new patternof organizing, especially with the absence of prior intentions&quot(Green et al., 2015).


The program description was designed earlier by other planners at theLake Troubled Shallows Department in Minnesota, which, according toGreen et al. (2015), understands the group behavior in the departmentbefore the totality and complexity of change are handled by thechange agents. The department`s projects to be modified, involvedcomplexity by the workers, making proper use of resources, and movingthe company forward. McMillan (2008) identified an organizationalchange to be a symbolic interaction. These agents of change approachevery situation with the mindset that emphasizes &quotfailure is notan option.&quot

The agents of change held a &quotdepartment overhaul&quot as a typeof change that describes its position within which it undertakes itsoperations on maternal, infant, and child health while it transitionsgradually. This kind of change held a particular image that is aimedat creating an individual situation grounded on continuing updates ofservices` process within the organization (McMillan, 2008). The imageis formed such that it abides by continuous small adjustments, whichare built simultaneously in units and the long term, can set up andaccumulate substantial changes to organizational change.

The imagery is that of dynamics, which are different, andoccasionally shift to a more on the micro – the perspective notionthat everything gradually changes all the time (Levine, 2009). For acloser in, the agents of change held the imagery of continuouschange, as an association of organizations view built around mutualinteractions. These interactions bring feedback, authority associatedwith tied tasks, response repertoires as continuing development, andsystems within the body that are self-organizing (Levine, 2009). Allthese create an image that the agents of change, projects it to havestraightforward outcomes, and are built around stability.

Organizational image held by agents of change is compatible with thecontinuous change. The image is based on different ideas, includingideas of improvisation, learning, and translation. The organizationalmodel that is built around improvisation is that one which hasvariable inputs to self-organization of actors. It induces continuityof modified work practices and ways of relating (Darwin et al.,2002). The image held by change agents is a representation of thestatement that views change to be &quotoften realization of theongoing variations that frequently emerges more so with imperceptiblyin the improvisations and slippages of daily activities&quot(American Counseling Association, 2008).

Syrett (2007) observed that improvisation occurs when the &quottimegap between the two events of planning and implementation, arenarrowed down to allow the convergence of execution.&quot The morean act is improvised, the narrower the time gap between performingand composing, designing and producing, and planning andimplementation are carried out. Empirically, the agents of changefound out that improvisation of the image often replaces the use ofstandard procedure when a new product is developed based on theorganization`s memory (Dent &amp Goldberg, 1999). The organizationalmemory, would, in turn, produces a positive effect on the design ofefficient cost saving. Before pregnancy (preconception) and betweenpregnancies (interconception) care offers an opportunity to identifysome of the health risks and also to prevent health problems in thefuture for maternal, infant, and child issues.

The agents of change held department`s image to be that, which isbuilt around translation idea, and is one with a setting wherebythere are continuous editing and adoption (Darwin et al., 2002).Constant editing and approval of plans, which bypasses intendedchange apparatus, and are believed to have an impact through acombination of faith and purpose at hand. Syrett (2007) believes thatthe idea held by agents of change is that of a continuous processbased on translation derivatives from extended glosses of Latour`sobservations. Additionally, agents of change believe that the impetusfor spreading ideas does not necessarily lie with the ability topersuade the originator of that idea.


Currently, Iam involved in the mortality and morbidity committee group as the newHealth Program Planner. The team is tasked with the health care`squality assurance protocol. We oversee the issues of discipline, andour stage as far as group formation is concerned, is performing step(American Counseling Association, 2008). The stage we are in is inprogression where hard work, without friction, is emphasized towardsthe achievement of the group`s goals and objectives (McClure, 2005).Despite our smooth running of the team, at the storming stage.Numerous conflicts between team leaders fail to push boundaries andaccept each other`s differences were experienced as part of theleadership challenges in the department. The progression betweenstages went on smoothly despite slight challenges of authority withinthe group.

One of our group members fell into the problematic role of being anaggressor. As the leader, I acted swiftly in an attempt to calm downher aggression due to an increase in workload. To address the group`sproblematic roles and facilitate the group`s process, the strategiesI employed include quality leadership within the group. As the teamleader, I would ensure that I put emphasis on the group`s vision andtheir grading process to test redefine, and build a sense ofownership in every individual (American Counseling Association,2008). Additionally, I would take advantage of the group`stechniques of facilitating activities in the group.


The individual`s dilemma would lie first on his moral integrity. Itis important to identify that personal integrity provides with actionand direction in all the varied kinds of situations (McClure, 2005).If this father feels it is not necessary to obey the laws, then hemight not have the level of guilt another person might. If he doeshave a high moral integrity, he might not feel it is worth losing,even when faced with a hungry family. He just might turn into anotheridea instead, feeling the keen sense of duty to providing for hisfamily. For, should he be caught or have his hand chopped off, can heprovide for them better now? If he was truly moral, in all cases,&quotwithout hypocrisy&quot, should he steal, he would, &quotadmitmistakes, be remorseful, and accept the guilt that followswrongdoing&quot (Levine, 2009). Someone who feels he is justified inbreaking the law, in my opinion, would have a lower personalintegrity, and thus, be the type of person who would justify stealingthe bread if they were in his shoes.

EngagingCommunities and Building Constituencies

Healthindicators in the Lake Troubled Shallows Department in Minnesotarelate to what is covered under the Medicare and Medicaid by thatmanner in which the state program handles the medical costs for thoseindividuals with limited resources and income. How it is related,according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2013),is based on the specifics of benefits, which include personal careand nursing home services. On the other hand, key health indicatorsin the Lake Troubled Shallows Department in Minnesota do not relateto what is covered by the Medicare and Medicaid by how it determinesitems and services, which include individuals long-term care androutine care (Dent &amp Goldberg, 1999). This is because it is basedon the standardized health specificities of a particular state andthat of the national Medicare and Medicaid covers.

Directburden resulting from health risk behaviors and diseases is the costof treatment. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2013)referred to this have the economic burden as a consequence of thecondition of health. Prices are used partly, but importantly, tomeasure the aspects of health deterioration. On the other hand, theindirect burden includes premature mortality and morbidity. The earlydeath is a load in the sense that risky health behaviors are a directreflection of untimely death.

Health care policy would impact on the leading health indicators andthe charges resulting from the health risk behaviors and disease byoffering alternatives. These options would ensure spending formaintenance and improvement of health (Darwin et al., 2002). Spendingwould provide the necessary funding that would put in placemechanisms to solve alleviating disease and enhancing cost-effectivehealth care. The kind of negotiation I will have with potentialpartners and stakeholder (the state, non-profit organizations,community-based grants etc.) will revolve around the bigger picturethat is the community and its overall health status. I will takeadvantage of their interest to get involved with maternal, infant,and child care to trigger their interest to invest on the project.Conflicts are often as a result of differences in views, and on thisregard, I would negotiate with these stakeholders to find a commonground on the issue and come to an agreement. The negotiations willtarget some of the challenges in solving the health issues.

Budgeting,Financing, and Human Resources

Theoverall budget of initial startup funds is $250,000

Total(salary and benefits) = $250,000

%salary and benefits = total startup funding amounts x benefits x 100/ short term

=$250,000x 100 / 2


Salary= $12,500,000

Benefits= $12,500,000

Call for change can have an enormous impact on the beliefs fornonprofits and its challenges. Certain beliefs are associated withchange management and its challenges. Having looked at issues offinances, mission, and fear of change, there are the beliefs thatcall for change, which include: compensation, time, taking risks onrevenue ideas, making profits to attract capital, and advertising andmarketing (McMillan, 2008). These beliefs are a reflection of thenonprofit fighting about financial structure and how to managefinances. The above beliefs should allow a new financial managementto take place for a change for the better.

Changes in compensation strategy in the department, for example, willseek to provide a wider perspective of how finances are handledinstead by only focusing on having an old procedure, which no longerencourages the organizational purpose of realizing stated mission.The belief in time and taking risks on revenue ideas should also beencouraged to consider the nonprofit`s activities is way behind theset schedule. Taking risks should also be invited to allowmaximization of revenue ideas and proper handling of donor funds.Additionally, recommendations for change management is more aboutfinances, which calls for auditing, analysis of financial positionstatements of the nonprofit, cash flows intervals, and functionalanalysis of everyday activities.

The responseabove for the challenge is more feasible and is likely to result inpositive outcomes. According to McMillan (2008), the most importantidea about nonprofit change management and strategic planning is alsoto involve major stakeholder. These speakers will focus onstrategizing on issues through the development of a well-informedconsensus that will address these challenges. Again, having astrategic plan towards handling the issues above will be able toconnect missions through set goals and objectives. Having identifiedthe total dollar projection amounts as indicated above, some of thepotential funding sources include state funding, non-profitorganizations, well-wishers, community-level grants, andpartnerships. Variations in funding are dependent on its sources. Forexample, funding from the government will prompt a quick and decisivedecision-making process because of the need to speed up the processof ensuring maternal, infants, and child care, is improved. Fundingfrom stakeholders may delay, which in turn, delay the execution ofthe process. Decision-making process will entirely depend on thespeed with which funding is disbursed and the amount.

PerformanceManagement &amp Health Informatics

Healthindicators in the Lake Troubled Shallows Department in Minnesotarelate to what is covered under the Medicare and Medicaid by thatmanner in which the state program handles the medical costs for thoseindividuals with limited resources and income. How it is related,according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2013),is based on the specifics of benefits, which include personal careand nursing home services. On the other hand, key health indicatorsin the Lake Troubled Shallows Department in Minnesota do not relateto what is covered by the Medicare and Medicaid by how it determinesitems and services, which include individuals long-term care androutine care (American Counseling Association, 2008). This is becauseit is based on the standardized health specificities of a particularstate and that of the national Medicare and Medicaid covers.

Direct burden resulting from health risk behaviors and diseases isthe cost of treatment. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(2013) referred to this have the economic burden as a consequence ofthe condition of health. Prices are used partly, but importantly, tomeasure the aspects of health deterioration. On the other hand, theindirect burden includes premature mortality and morbidity. The earlydeath is a load in the sense that risky health behaviors are a directreflection of untimely death.

Measurable process objectives hoped to be achieved within the firstyear include:

  • To reduce the rate of infant and fetal deaths during the first year of gestation.

  • To reduce neonatal deaths within the first 1 month of birth.

  • To ensure safe maternal delivery

  • To ensure proper maternal health care.

  • To reduce maternal complications and illnesses because of pregnancy during labor and delivery.

To evaluate the above objectives, I would use data from BRFSS –Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Systems, which is a continuousand state-based systems of surveillance used to collect the rightinformation regarding some of the modifiable risk factors formaternal, infant, and child care diseases. I would use the data fromthis surveillance system by extracting its database, studying it, andattaching to the respective region.


Change comesnatural, but with the right team, an organization can implementchange through chosen change agents. Proactive change management canhelp in optimizing future adaptability in an invariably more creativeway of handling the dynamism of the industry. It should be donethrough the competent change agents rather than letting it happen byitself. The project to be completed will only happen throughsuccessful change management of the organization, especially that ofthe company`s human resource rather than by itself.

Managingcorporate change can only be done through moving the company from itsdilapidating current state, like that of the Lake Troubled ShallowsDepartment in Minnesota, to the desired state in the future. Fromethical implications above, the present situation of the LakeTroubled Shallows Department in Minnesota has to be understood. Thismeans that as the new Health Program Planner, it means that handlingthe problems faced by the department will have to be considered,study each of them, and coin varying solutions to the problems of thetreatment of maternal, infant, and child health.


American Counseling Association (2008). Group microskills:Culture-centered group process and strategies. Hanover, Mass:Microtraining Associates, Inc.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2013). Behavioral riskfactor surveillance system. Retrieved fromhttp://www.cdc.gov/brfss/

Dent, E. B. And Goldberg, S.G. (1999) `Challenging resistance tochange`, Joumal of Applied Behavioral Science, Vol. 35, No. 1,pp. 25-41.

Darwin, J. Johnson, P. And Mcauley, J. (2002) DevelopingStrategies for Change, Financial Times, Harlow.

Green, J., Tones, K., Cross R., &amp Woodall, J. (2015). Healthpromotion: Planning and strategies (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage.

Levine, M. (2009). The elderly: Legal and ethical issues inhealthcare policy. Farnham, Surrey, England: Ashgate.

McClure, B. A. (2005). Putting a new spin on groups: The scienceof chaos. Mahwah, N.J: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

McMillan, E. M. (2008). Complexity, management and the dynamics ofchange: Challenges for practice. London: Routledge

Syrett, K. (2007). Law, legitimacy, and the rationing ofhealthcare: A contextual and comparative perspective. Cambrige:Cambridge University Press.