Social Justice Annotated Bibliography essay

SocialJustice: Annotated Bibliography

Kaur,O. (2012). Social justice, multicultural counseling, and practice:Beyond a conventional approach. AmericanJournal of Guidance &ampamp Counselling, 40(1),106-108. doi:10.1080/03069885.2011.637321

Kaur(2012) examines the top challenges in social justice andmulticultural counseling. He also examines how to implement themulticultural theory in the real life. In addition, he gives theprocedure on how to practice social justice and equity. He takes amulti-layered and multidimensional approach to help practitioners intheir multicultural competence. This journal fit best for myassignment because it gives a new approach on race and diversityissues. In addition, it contains many examples, exercises, andactivities that are helpful in viewing racism in a non-traditionalmanner. Further, it is an excellent reference for multiculturalcounseling. It provides a holistic view of multiculturalism topicwithout biases hence, allowing the reader to formulate his or herown opinion.

Kiwan,D. (2009). Civil society, democracy, and education. Education,Citizenship and Social Justice, 4(2),83-86. doi:10.1177/1746197909103925

Inthis article, Kiwan (2009) discusses and analyses education,citizenship, and social justice. Kiwan base his argument on the 2008annual conference whereby the conference brought international andnational policymakers, practitioners, and researchers together todiscuss the contested meaning of social justice, democraticengagement, and civil society. Undoubtedly, this journal is of greatsignificance to my assignment. It contains useful information aboutsocial justice, education, and citizenship. Further, it plays acritical role to scholars and researchers who might as well beinterested in the same topic.

Stout,A. K., Alan, D. B., &amp Chambliss, W. J. (2004). Socialproblems, law, and society.Lanham, MD: Rowman &amp Littlefield.

Thebook represents significant issues related to law and society puttingmore emphasizes on social problems. Stout, Alan, and Chamblissexplore the contradictory dynamics of social classes, and relate themto gender and race in the national and global context. This book isof great significance to my assignment. Additionally, this book ishighly readable and highly oriented towards topics of social justice,including race, gender, and class inequalities. The book capturesmany details of social justice that are critical for this assignment.It is also essential to note that the book is well-versed and entailsthe most significant information.


Kaur,O. (2012). Social justice, multicultural counseling, and practice:Beyond a conventional approach. AmericanJournal of Guidance &ampamp Counselling,40(1),106-108. doi:10.1080/03069885.2011.637321

Kiwan,D. (2009). Civil society, democracy and education. Education,Citizenship and Social Justice,4(2),83-86. doi:10.1177/1746197909103925

Stout,A. K., Alan, D. B., &amp Chambliss, W. J. (2004). Socialproblems, law, and society.Lanham, MD: Rowman &amp Littlefield.