Old people essay

We have been asked to organize a one hour cultural programme in the nearby community hall sometime during the last Sunday of July. We have to set the goal – i. e. , selection of artists, making invitation cards, decoration of the hall, proper seating arrangements etc. The programme should cater to all age groups—children, youngsters and old people. PRESENT SITUATION I am the team leader and besides me there are four members in my team. The present work is only the planning stage and we all members are to join together at a particular place for a fixed period of time for the next ten days.

The situation as it is now is in a very raw stage. All the four members are allotted one sector each so that each member’s goal is clear. PROCEDURE Interpersonal communication is the basis of performance in which both me and the team is involved. Such a conversation in performance is congenial, which may help the team to be in a receptive mood. It is important that communication is greatly influenced by how problems and issues arc perceived by two persons involved in the conversation. It may get distorted if team members arc not empathic to each other and do not try to understand each other’s point of view.

Members speak more through their gestures and postures than through words. LISTENING: Listening is the first effective step in building confidence. All members are properly listened which means paying attention to the various messages being sent by the other members. The obvious message is the ideas being communicated. But there may be hidden feelings and concerns which the other person may not be able to put clearly in words. Listening to feelings and concerns is very important for effective goal achievement.

ASKING QUESTIONS AND RESPONDING: Questions can facilitate or hinder the process of communication. They serve several purposes: they help in getting more information, establishing mutuality, clarifying matters. stimulating thinking. Questions play a very important role in team building. Some questions can shut off the member, or make him dependent on the team leader. while some others can build the autonomy of the employee. The following types of questions are not only unhelpful but they also hinder the process of effective success.

A) CRITICAL QUESTIONS: Questions which arc used to criticize, reprimand or doubt, it creates a gap between him and the member. The way the question is asked i. e. , skeptical or sarcastic tone may indicate that the question is a critical one. The choice of words may also indicate the critical nature of the question. “Why did you fail to achieve your targets’? ” communicates criticism, whereas “Why could you not attain your targets? ” would normally communicate an invitation to examine hindering factors.

“How did you again fall short of your target? ” is a reprimanding question. ‘How can you achieve this target since you failed last time? indicates doubt in the ability of the employee. B) TESTING QUESTIONS: Questions that are asked to find out whether a person is right or wrong. or how much he knows, are evaluating or testing questions. Such questions may tend to put the other person on the defensive. In a testing question, the team leader asking the question takes a superior attitude, while the other member is put in a kind of witness box.

Such questions takes the form of a cross examination. Again, the tone of my interviewing may determine whether the question is a testing question. C) RESENTING QUESTIONS: A person may ask questions to indicate his resentment of the behavior of the other person. When an employee in a situation asks: “How should I attain a higher target? ’ it may indicate his resentment depending on the tone in which such a question is asked. D) LEADING QUESTIONS: For example, I say to member “You could not attain the target because other members did not cooperate.

Is that true? ” or it may be put in the question form: “Were you not able to attain the target because the other members did not cooperate? ” Both are leading questions. A leading question almost seduces the member to go along the line of thinking of the team leader. This tends to stop further exploration and is not helpful. The following types of questions may be of help in development: A) TRUSTING QUESTIONS: Questions which are asked to that the questioner is seeking help or suggestions may indicate the trust he has in the team.

The question “How do you think I can deal with the problem I am facing? ” is seeking help from the other person. Such questions may be asked both by me and team member. B) CLARIFYING QUESTIONS: Questions may be asked to collect information, more facts and figures. Such questions are very helpful. If I ask members several questions to get more information about various aspects, the member, in turn, would provide with relevant information to understand his problems. For example, the question, ‘Are you worried about your lack of knowledge of the new project?

”Is a clarifying question C) EMPATHIC QUESTIONS: Questions about the feelings of a person, his concern, his problem, not so much for finding solutions as to indicate and express concern. is classified as empathic questions. When I ask the member. ” How are you feeling now? ”, I am not merely seeking information, but in fact indicating his personal concern about the health and thereby expressing sympathy with the member Such questions help to generate more trust, and the necessary rapport. Empathic questions create a climate of mutual trust and human understanding.