The television talk show, “Looking for Love” hosted by Jenny Brockie, discussed issues of love and relationship as viewed by men and women and the changes that women have evolved in over the past decades. These days, men find it difficult to find a partner as they consider women to be complicated and confusing. They claimed that the dating process has changed and with the criteria and expectations that women have set, they are no longer easy to satisfy. Although men may care less about what women do for a living, such may not be the case for women as men are expected to provide economically.
Women of today are more financially independent, highly educated, career oriented, and they no longer regard age as a factor in rushing into marriage and family formation. They felt that although they are financially secured and have a good job, they are not searching for men with the same or better income and educational level. They prefer someone who shares a common interest, and who would be totally committed to their relationship. There is a striking difference in the research study made by Professor Jim McKnight on what men and women want.
The study revealed that 90% of men want sex while 80% of women prefer parental potential and 79% want potential as a breadwinner. The study made by Phil Dye also showed that sex is important for people in midlife relationship and women are the one who are introducing this to the bonk buddy or someone they have sex with. Critic The views of men and women on the issues of love and relationship do not reflect the views of the entire population of people in Australia.
In the show, men seem to have a common agreement that women are complicated individuals in terms of courtship and relationship because of their economic stability. Women on the other hand share the same values and have common preference in terms of searching for life partners. However, the common views of men are in contrast with the overall findings of Pru Goward, the sex discrimination commissioner who claimed that 90% of women earn less than $50,000 a year.
Although nothing was mentioned in terms of the comparison of men and women’s income, the finding is enough to conclude that there are more women who are not financially secured. Hence, women’s socio-economic status and educational level are not the primary reasons why men are not able to find a partner. These days, women are compelled to work not only for personal reasons but also because the income of their husbands is not enough to sustain a family. The shift in household roles where wives work and husbands stay at home and care for the children may be due to practical reasons.
These decisions will highly depend on how couples will weigh the benefits of going against the norm or following the norm where husbands are expected to bring home the pay envelop and wives take care of the household. The reason for leaving a husband is not primary due to the fact that women earn more, expect more and have higher standards. There are other reasons for separation and that also includes lack of communication, infidelity and irreconcilable differences.